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[–]MarkimusNational Socialist[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Can I ask what exactly happened/did you learn that makes you hate jews that fanatically?

Why do they hate literally the entire world so fanatically to actually do the things they pretend have happened to them? I'm the hateful one for pointing out what they've actually done and they're the innocent victims for actually genociding millions of people? Ok bud😂👍

Disregarding the didn't happen point, explain why you believe 6 million people including thousands of children and infants, would have deserved to be suffocated, shot or worked to death?

For the many times over that number that they've done it to before, that was actually real. The obsession jews have with being punished by death are precisely thought up because the jews know they deserve it for what they've done to countless others before.

I wouldn't advocate to genocide them, I simply point out it's what they've done to many others which is why they pretend it happened to them. It's a natural psychological reaction all guilty people have, the desire to be punished for their crimes.