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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Women and food led me to the other redpills.* I got a divorce and used the downtime and bitterness after the divorce to read more about women and try to work through it. Then I learned about a lot of lies around health, nutrition and food. The women and food redpills made me start exploring about other lies I was fed. The finance lies led me to invest in bitcoin when it was under a thousand a coin. I used that money to help me get away from wage slavery and spend time reading and talking to more people. The massive amount of hours we need to spend at work just making enough to live is a control mechanism. Lana and Henrik from redicetv put some nice short videos out that helped me get over my liberal sacred cow ideas and then everything started flowing. One of the first videos on redicetv I watched was about a white guy that loved non whites traveling around the world and really enjoying seeing how other people live but then he comes back and realizes that he doesn't have a home of his own (because all the non whites are here). That registered with me. Jared Taylor and Murdoch Murdoch helped a lot on my early redpilling as well.

*another early redpill for me was talking to friends that had flown down from Canada about changing demographics. I've told that story a lot though so I won't retell here.