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[–]Lugger 7 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 4 fun -  (5 children)

Muh testosterone, muh violent instincts.


What u said about Westerners not having the balls to stand and fight applies only to rightwingers though. The lefty Europeans and white Americans are as vigorous as they ever were and willing to go to great lengths to crush their 'racist' opponents by any means necessary — I mean, if the white leftists manage to get shit done using media/courts/Antifa soldiers/etc thus proving that they have balls as hard as their ancestors', the rightoids got only themselves to blame for being dumb enough to cede control of vital institutions and being too comfortable with their lives and careers to fight for their cause.

Just to address a few of your points:

You can see this in historical societies. Even in high trust European societies, there used to be a lot of duels, blood feuds, political violence, assassinations, riots, and street fighting. Men with T levels would simply go out and do something if they felt oppressed or wronged.

Absolutely, pal. When lefty Chads — and the vast majority of Westerners are left-leaning on the 'woke' topics — feel that they or their PoC friends are oppressed, they joyfully engage in political violence and riots along with their allies. You haven't forgotten about the hot summer of St. George of Minneapolis, have you? Lefty white bulls comprised a very significant share of the rioters; in fact, in many cities the rioters were majority white.

And mind you, the battles back then would lead to 100,000 casualties in the space of a month. In contrast, countries today are scared shitless of losing a thousand men in one month.

Yeah, how dare the modern Westerners care about their soldiers dying in thousands in the peaceful times, especially now that the militaries are much smaller and more professional than they used to be.

As we saw in Belarus, China, Myanmar, Venezuela, and many other countries, it's increasingly becoming impossible to topple a government.

Maybe it's beacuse the vast majority of population of those countries are more or less okay with their governments?

You're forgetting that in Europe, as recently as 2014, the Ukrainians managed to overthrow the Russia-backed government — this is what happens when people are genuinely dissatisfied with their elites.

A secondary reason for the cowardly male phenomenon IMO is feminized liberal culture. In the modern materialistic liberal culture, violence is seen as the ultimate evil. It is evil incarnate and is never justified. Peace is seen as an unconditional good that is to be attained at any price.

Funny, I thought that those 'nasty liberals' believe violence is justified if it advances their causes, e.g. widespread media support for 2020 racial justice riots.

[–]shilldetector 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

If we wanted Jew propaganda we'd just watch CNN. Your entire comment is a Jewish cope. Did the Jewish antifa pedos that unsuccessfully attacked a 17 year old in Kenosha look like Chads to you? Lmao. Also, I've basically been left of center my whole life, and the current Zionist oligarch definition of left wing is meaningless. The fucking neocons that killed hundreds of thousands in the middle east are now considered "left wing" by the current Jewish made and spread definition. It's basically the people vs Jews now, as Jews are the power structure in the west, having bought all the means of communication and the politicians and using them to advance their own interests at everyone elses expense, including blacks, who have seen record numbers of murders thanks to Jewish "woke" propaganda that Jews in the only nation they care about, their ethnostate Israel, dont even remotely abide by.

if the white leftists manage to get shit done using media/courts/Antifa soldiers/etc thus proving that they have balls as hard as their ancestors'

Yeah lets be realistic about what you are saying. It was Jews that took control of the media/courts and use "antifa" as their own personal paramilitary organization. To the extent some whites go along with this, its only because that's what the establishment tells them to do, and they get rewarded by the Jewish neocon controlled establishment to betray fellow whites serving Jewish interests. It's a risk free(for now) means of rebelling and destroying that attracts the most cowardly and destructive among us. People whose behavior is ultimately self defeating as they are basically fighting for Jews to enslave them. These people are evolutionary dead ends, as they dont have kids and cant actually build or sustain anything(look at how short lived the chaz disaster was). They will gradually die out and be bred out as the Jew that incites them remains as psychotically ethnocentric and narcissistic as ever.

This will leave whites and those non whites that dont want to be Jewish slaves to resist, and resist we will, because it is in our self interest to do so. Jew propaganda requires constant bribery and punishment to work, and the second you run out of carrots and people arent afraid of your sticks, it will crumble, and rest assured, the system in place now will crumble, it is completely unsustainable as the country drowns in debt and eats itself alive with astroturfed oligarch funded and incited riots. Enjoy your high water mark shlomo.

[–]Lugger 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

You couldn't miss the point of my comment more even if you tried lol.

What I wanted to convey is that the OP's theory that white RWers don't engage in political activism against the current regimes across the West due to 'low T' is BS as their (white) lefty counterparts show extremely high levels of determination in destroying their opponests, rioting & beating the shit out of them included.

The rest of your post is incoherent schizoid gibberish about 'da Jooz' and is unworthy of response.

[–]shilldetector 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Oh I know exactly what "point" you were trying to make, and it's nonsense for the reasons I mentioned. We've all seen the rioters mugshots, and these studly chads you seem to fantasize about is about as far from the reality as it gets. Most of them look like an ugly assortment of hedonists, druggies, fuck ups and deviants, along with the usual pink haired associate professors of gender studies and librarians at the local arts college that are getting their thrills so long as they have the mob on their side and know an international network of ultra wealthy Jews will give them legal immunity. This isnt exactly an army of chads and "white bulls" as you call them, and no general on earth would ever want to field an army of these people.

This is an oligarch astroturfed army of fairweather fuckups, and this solidarity with "brown people"(as you patronizingly call them) is almost completely one sided, which is why no "brown people" gave a shit when Rittenhouse was acquitted. If anything blacks in particular probably have less real respect for these people than poor whites that stick up for themselves, because literally no one in history has ever liked a traitor, and if these people are willing to sell out their own kin you can only imagine how quickly they'd sell out others. So all their cuckery does is diminish them in the eyes of the people they're trying to impress.

These arent brave people, these are cowards crying witchcraft at heretics in order to boost their social standing or avoid being targets themselves. History will judge them harshly.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

a man might have high T but still look ugly

[–]shilldetector 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'll also add that both you and the OP are engaging in childish chest thumping. I dont know if he's a fed posting shill or not, but he sure acts like it sometimes. Nobody with an ounce of brains or integrity would care about either of yours silly cartoonish incitement, and "da jooz" you speak of have been the ones engaging in it more than anyone.