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[–]TheJamesRocket[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's a lot of seesawing among the elites in regard to China. There seem to be two factions. One is what can be described as the American military-intelligence apparatus, i.e the state department, the CIA, the pentagon and NGOs, think tanks, and media orgs strongly affiliated with them, for example, the RAND Corporation, Fox News, and the AEI. They largely form what most people refer to as the ''Deep State''.

The other faction is more plutocratic in nature. It's the tech companies, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, high finance led by BlackRock, and lastly, Hollywood. This faction is extremely anti-white, they have a soft spot for marxism and are more represented in the private sector. They have a more technocratic view of the world and are at the forefront of the globalist movement.

Thats a good summary of the two main factions running the show. If the Globalists could be divided into two camps, it would be the Deep State and the World Economic Forum.

These two factions have been fighting over strategy for the past couple of years. The WEF wanted to stick with its original plan which was to complete the de-industrialisation of the West, and then to transfer their flag to China and continue with business as usual. But since China was not co-operating with their plans, the WEF tried to use soft power to get them to submit fully. The Deep State wanted to take a hostile stance against China, but they were prevented from doing so by the WEF. But now things have changed.

The Davos crowd at WEF seem to have finally understood that China is not going to work with them, no matter how much pressure they try to exert. Now, it looks like they are going to let the Deep State have their war. This might also explain why they have suddenly ceased with their provocations against Russia. The Globalists know that the United States can't win a war against both of them. They want to encircle China and subject it to a type of blockade. They are hoping that if it does come to war, that Russia will stay out of it.

China for its part has strung the plutocrats along. They offer limited access to Blackrock and JP Morgan. They allow limited access to Hollywood and the NBA. Whether it's a sign of them submitting to the liberal faction of the US elite or simply using this to buy time, I do not know. I lean towards and hope for the latter.

The Chinese are stringing them along. They have no intention of submitting to the Globalists and their agenda. They know that the West is undergoing rapid decay due to the anti-industrialisation policys of its Elites, so they are just placating them with empty promises and stalling for time. In a few years, the balance of power will shift even more in the favor of China. The Globalists might finally be catching on to their game, though, which is why they are taking a more hostile stance. The sale of submarines to Australia is definitely an important indication of where things are headed.

In the US the elites are split. No doubt, the existence of nuclear weapons and other WMDs like neurotoxins and bioweapons weigh heavily into this hesitancy.

However, recently there is reason to believe that they're leaning more towards military action. The US directly stationed troops in Taiwan in an unprecedented display of hostility. The US also has agreed to sell 60 billion dollars worth of nuclear submarines to Australia. Now, the declaration that it defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression.

Theres an excellent article by Tom Luongo about the geopolitical situation that is unfolding today. Things are getting very complicated very quickly. There are many players involved in this game (America, Europe, China, Russia, etc), and when one of them changes their plans, it completely changes the playing fields and forces the others to improvise. Things are not proceeding in the direction that the World Economic Forum desires. They wanted to subvert China and take it over to use as a headquarters, but now, they may be forced to try to strangle it into submission or even go to war.
