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[–]proc0 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Until this shows up in the sheep media (mostly mainstream news and such), it has no chance of catching on. articles like this get called racists. It's conclusion:

If Americans can ever learn to internalize these three words, “I am non-racial,”

Gets called racist, and leftist minorities cry "that's just because you have hwite privilege and it's impossible for you to know my experience."

That whole ideology is insidious circular logic. It prevents any criticism, and in fact, it's built in such a way that criticism reinforces it. It also has this component of producing self-fulfilling prophecies. It teaches the people who believe it how to behave and become victims... by acting like assholes and therefore provoking reactions that get fed back into their ideologies which then reinforce their own wrongly held belief.

It's like thinking everyone has accused you of being an aggressive person, and you obsess over the idea of being an aggressive person, and then it changes your interpretation of other's actions to the point any little thing will cause you to become aggressive, creating a negative feedback loop. That's what labeling everyone of a certain skin color as racist does.