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[–]ShmuelHydesteinProfessor of Based Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nothing here really surprises me, though it's good to have empirical evidence so that these claims cannot be dismissed as baseless speculation.

Young people being more less pro-vax: That the group least likely to die is also least likely to see the vax as worthwhile is just commonsensical. What would surprise me is if the results were anything otherwise.

Asians being most pro-vax is also evidence of the correct "racist stereotype" that they are more conformistic than all other races. Only "anti-racists" would find this surprising, but it's their view that is the one at odds with reality. Race realists don't find this claim surprising. If we have any list of examples, it is in need of an update.

Less educated people being less pro-vax is probably the most surprising claim. I'd wager that it's just because they have less exposure to official narratives, i.e. people working low-paid menial jobs are going to spend less time exposed to the media and therefore are less likely to internalize pro-vax messaging.

Most educated people being less pro-vax also isn't really surprising, since they're taught to distrust practically everything (never write anything without citing peer-reviewed literature. Blog posts, media sites, social media, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable information sources. Anything not backed by empirical evidence and is logically unsound should automatically be regarded as false). 'Yep, I need a peer-reviewed source published in the top virology journal for why I should "get the jab", otherwise I'm making uninformed decisions based on insufficient evidence'. Of course, they're also still often the most indoctrinated people out there on some issues, which raises certain questions of why they can see past some things and not others.

Looks like the "tl;dr" is that the vax has the most appeal to midwit sheeple, particularly if they're Asian?