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[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I don't advocate for full reparations for the Natives, they lost. That's like trying to get full reparations for every scattered Scottish clan. It is impossible in this current environment. I don't think societies are weak just because they get destroyed, like the confederations of clans that I am descended from who lost their long long long wars. It wasn't internal weakness that destroyed them, it was external manipulation. Their internal weaknesses were a part of the problem, but not the source. I don't think like a cabbalist, glad to say. Too many on this website and others think like cabbalists and don't even seem to realize.

    Societies that are worthwhile have the weight of a world-wide cult brought down on them, nothing can stand against that unless they are a society superhumans. Sadly, we have had very few superhumans, and no societies of them. So, I support the people from those groups, and the philosophies from those groups. I don't see them as failures, I see them as survivors in spite of a terrible evil. I respect certain Native tribes for their ethno-nationalist actions.

    Dragonerne made a joke about my simple questions, like a 4chan-level copypasta joke. I don't play around with that shit. They should've answered my questions rather than respond with "libtard" and such. Then he goes on to say I'm anti-white? Ha! Never will I look at him the same, even though I find him to be insightful at times.