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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Chinese propaganda, as problematic as the CCP are, is vastly superior to American propaganda.

Compare the Russian, Chinese and American recruitment advertisements:

Russian - Average and what I expect to see. Young White man enlists.

Chinese - This one is very impressive in a technical sense, but it has an obvious and excessive 'Hollywood movie' or 'first-person shooter game trailer' feel.

American - This one is laughably atrocious... and yet it is the top Google result for: US Army recruitment ad. White or White-passing woman named 'Emma'. Has 'two Mums' who 'get married'. No appeal to nationalism or anything beyond oneself. Just enlist to gain skills, experiences, or something else related to self-actualization. Pure, unadulterated Clown World propaganda that makes any sane person not want to enlist. Rambo out, rainbow in.

There's four other American ones as part of this series that are similarly atrocious. Three blacks and one Asian male. One has to wonder just what kind of moron decided to make this propaganda 60% black.

Back to Taiwan, the West exceedingly seems to me to be in the wrong here. The 'strawberry generation' is totally degenerate and Taiwan is one of the few Asian countries to have gone as far as to legalize 'same-sex marriage', admittedly, despite the majority of public opinion being against it. Obviously Whites shouldn't kill and die for the 'rights' of Taiwanese queers to 'marry'. Marxism is pseudoscientific drivel but generally not as putrid as full-blown Western left-liberalism. The CCP isn't anywhere near as moronic as the US Democratic Party; Xi isn't anywhere near as moronic as Biden-Harris.

America will do what if China launches a full assault on HK or Taiwan? Make noise. The longer China waits the more that this is certain, since the more multiracial and left-wing America becomes the more it will become insignificant like Brazil and Mexico already are. America declaring war on China at that point would be like Brazil declaring war on China. China today would easily steamroll over this 'post-racial' America. They just need to keep waiting till the American military itself hits 'majority-minority', which won't be much longer than America overall. Huge numbers (of all races) will go AWOL and some (Asians, especially ethnic Chinese) will even outright defect once war breaks out. Mass riots would break out in the Chinatowns long before Chinese troops hit American soil.

Surely the fuss here is coming from more degenerate Westerners angry that their liberalism, multiracialism, etc. is leading them to lose power (note, of course, that plenty of them, especially the leftist ones, misdiagnose the cause of their decline, wrongly believing that a greater dose of the poison will cure them of the lesser dose of poison they have already swallowed) to a (marginally) less degenerate, more 'master morality'-motivated rival. They do not understand why the Chinese do not wish to assimilate to this silly category of 'humanity' like they themselves do, and become like those self-defeating ethnomasochists or total racial egalitarianians who on their present course will exceedingly become minorities in their own homelands and, eventually, merely historical footnotes who future peoples will only speak of contemptuously if of at all.

Just look at how delusional the comments are. Japan will defeat China. China is 'isolated', even when almost every African and Middle Eastern state recognizes China over Taiwan and votes alongside China and not the West where they clash in the UN. America and Western Europe would also nuke China if China nuked Japan. China's ethnocentrism and 'racism' weakens them.

Then you have the typical barking mad leftists attacking the main commenters with even more stupid takes. America and Japan are 'fascist'. China dindu nuffin to the Uyghurs, that's just Western propaganda. Taiwan actually 'belongs' to China (did anyone ask the native Taiwanese whether they are 'actually' Chinese, esp. when they are genetically closer to Filipinos and Malays?).

The Western 'left' and 'right' are both so woefully stupid... the latter just a little lesser than the former.