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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The powdered is just something that it might be a good idea to take separately to make sure that you're getting every part of the herb, instead of only the standardized one. It gives some people energy, and knocks some people out. I don't know why it would give you a flush off the top of my head, but is it similar to the appearance of niacin flush?

Yeah, so it looks like the stuff I bought is not ksm-66. The ksm seems to have an additive to increase absorption. I'll try it and compare it with what I have now and report back.

The flush is really close to a niacin flush. It's not producing any redness though just the feeling of increase blood flow at the skin. It's minor so it doesn't really both me.

Thanks for the articles. I will look into them.

Reguarding the hypo vs hyperthyroidism. It seems like westerners are exhibiting more symptoms of underactivity not overactivity of the thyroid?

I mean check out these symptoms. Is this not the average burger or what?

Hypothyroidism signs and symptoms may include:

Fatigue Increased sensitivity to cold Constipation Dry skin Weight gain Puffy face Hoarseness Muscle weakness Elevated blood cholesterol level Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods Thinning hair Slowed heart rate Depression Impaired memory Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)

I know there was a military study with massive amounts of iodine (130 mg?) and those participants did not have any ill affects to the thyroid. I don't think there's much danger of over supplementing. Especially since you can't even buy the stronger stuff anymore due to drug law changes. I'm curious how much iodine is actually being put into the salt supply. I don't think it's much.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Definitely read through the findings from the second study in the last message that I sent. Those are common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, but they're common in other disorders and deficiencies too. The endocrine system is complicated. Your hypothalamus sends a hormone to the anterior pituitary to release thyroid stimulating hormone to the thyroid, then the thyroid can release thyroxine and the other one that I can't remember the name of, but this is all the cliff notes version. The human body is an enigma, and our bodies do absolutely retarded shit sometimes that's completely paradoxical to the recorded norms. Be careful with anything that you're reading, especially from /pol/, because ultimately what is he losing if you follow the advice or not? Just read everything that you can, don't ever take anyone's advice as word of god.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Be careful with anything that you're reading, especially from /pol/, because ultimately what is he losing if you follow the advice or not? Just read everything that you can, don't ever take anyone's advice as word of god.

I don't but I appreciate the reminder and yes that's good advice. I'll either PM or make a post after I read those studies.

Maybe we can have a chat on flouride next or some of the other claims in the Matrix III text.