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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You can deconstruct the holocaust, but it won't convince a normal racially unconscious White audience. I am just saying that we need to focus more on growing a positive white identity. TRS focuses mainly on negative things that happen to White people and their civilization but don't focus on great aspects of American culture and celebrating it. FTN pretty much deconstructs all of US history and calls it "fake and gay" with their deep dives on the founders. I am just saying it might be a better idea if we germinate the seed of a positive white ethnic identity as a priority over directly deconstruct our enemies. We need the organization and community first because we need to build the future we want today. We also need safe networks to do effective political organizing. The movement seems to be focused on "stop hurting us" phase, when we should be like "this is what we want and are doing it, lets come together to rebuilt this society together". I am not saying the latter isn't happening, but we need to focus on that more than the former.