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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Here's my take:

The nazi movement's VALUES were Christian. Therefore, they were Christian in SPIRIT. And "Jesus" was big on spirit, and didn't appreciate people sticking to the letter of things too highly.

Also, Hitler and his people scoured the world for secret, esoteric knowledge; Is it at all possible that he might have discovered that the current iteration of "Christianity" is fake and a Jewish plot. After all, the kikes control the Vatican, the Jesuits, and what else. I find it likely that such is the case and that the story of "Jesus" was made up by Jews, copied from the original TRUE story of Horus in ancient Egypt and modified as little as possible to suit their needs of control and enslavement.

They are pretty much the same story, one dating from about 12,000 years ago, and one dating from 2,000 years ago. Horus is the sun-god of ancient Egypt, and the Sun is characterized by a 12,000 year cycle. I think Horus is the real deal, and "Jesus" is just a story made by Jews to control huge masses of people. Who knows, maybe they were behind the creation of that false faith called Islam.

So yeah it would fit perfectly with Hitler's amazingly honorable, charitable and generous character that they might have discovered this and held to the SPIRIT of the faith, but not the letter. Because the letter is fake.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm curious where you've read this Horus theory. I've heard it tossed around the dissident sphere before.

You're right about the Nazis and their search for esoteric knowledge.

If your story is true though is was a really poorly laid out plan by the Jews. Christianity is literally built on anti usury, jews as the synogogue of satan. The Talmudists hated Jesus and wrote the hate down all over their debate society documents. Why would they have so much hate for Jesus and the ideas of Christianity if Jesus was a Jewish creation to pacify the goyim? It just doesn't make sense.

Joe Atwill's thesis that the Roman's created Jesus as a propaganda weapon against the Israelites is a lot more probably (although it has problems as well).

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's something I've pieced together from various hints and factoids over the years. Well if the story of Horus was the same, it contained contempt for usury and saw Jews as Satanic evil. Maybe they thought that story would never die out and so had to reinvent it in a way that they could corrupt to their liking, without changing any of the most fundamental tenets, so that if the original story were remembered, they could be construed as one and the same.

Just look at what you write: "For the Romans to use as a propaganda weapon against the Israelites". Well, in fact, The Israelites from the Old Testament comprise the Aryan Norse type, the Greeks, the slavs, the hindus, and maybe more. The definition has been co-opted into meaning "the jews". And even then, what "the Jews" means today, does not mean the same thing AT ALL as what it meant 2,000 years ago.

So on the one hand this allows the Jews to claim "Jesus" as ONE OF THEIR OWN, and uninformed masses when reading the Gospel, when they read about Jesus talking to the Pharisees, well... Today's "Jews" are these Pharisees, but Joe Average doesn't know that. The Jewish redefining of everything that pertains to the world's history is central to the confusion that arises from these.

Anyway, a very effective untangling of all these redefinitions and appropriations by the jews can be obtained here:

Also, I suggest downloading before watching, since bitchute has been on a censorship spree.