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[–]FrenologistSaving the World 1 Cranial Exam at a Time 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

Early in my life I knew that I was a Lesbian trapped in a man's body. Why else am I so attracted to women? That's why, today, I identify as a Black Jewish Lesbian--I AM A WOMAN! Some bigoted doctors call me a "man" because of my birth certificate and pre-transition medical records but, I don't have a penis so clearly I'm a woman! The problem is that Lesbians won't accept me as a woman even though that's clearly my gender! The ADL agrees that I'm a women and I'm oppressed! I know Donald Trump and the Republican party also agree--just look at how accepting they are of Caitlyn Jenner. If Reagan were still alive I know he'd accept me and others like me because he was always a man of the times and today I'm sure he'd be leading the Neocon charge in Progressive Reaganomics! Besides that, as a proud Jewish Black Lesbian, I know the Republican Party has my back. Trump and the Republicans throw more support to Jews and Israelis than any other group of people in the country and the world! It's amazing to identify as so many privileged groups at once. My innate superiority as a peek-specimen of humanity is evident to all. Now to teach those snooty, "Born as a woman," Lesbians some humility!

[–]nordmannenLegionnaire 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lmao based