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[–]nordmannenLegionnaire 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wolfenstein, the more recent ones anyway, has always been about glorifying this comic book level vision of a Nazi future while breaking it down. Personally, I've been convinced for a while that a lot of games today are specifically geared towards people who don't fit in and lack a sense of self-worth. You can see this in the comments, the amount of people who are mixed, Jewish, or LGBT who are really attracted to the themes of Wolfenstein is interesting. The idea of choosing to reject everything and tear it down is very intentional messaging, to become everything your opponent hates and to supersede them in every way. Also, Jews in particular are very inspired by this struggle for survival because that's what Judaism is to a lot of them. That's why so many people got emotional about the end of the video, it's very impactful to become a part of this ongoing resistance to the whole world trying to tear you down. Of course white people don't get this luxury, however.

I'll be honest, this is a pointless topic that doesn't get us anywhere. No one really cares about Wolfenstein and you will look pretty stupid arguing against an anti-nazi gorefest. This is why it's pointless to complain about shitty movies like Inglorious Basterds or Fury. Most people who consume this media are looking for mindless fun and won't care. However, the people who actually see and resonate with the themes of Wolfenstein are not going to be convinced by anything we have to say. There are so many pseudo-intellectual midwits on the internet who throw inarticulate and inconsistent factoids about World War 2 and Fascism around, unless you're a bug-eyed amorphous pop-history youtuber nothing you say will get through to said people.