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[–]TheWorldToCome 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The state of young white women is pretty bad. I could tell countless tales of white women I meet and hang out with off Tinder. Now I understand the sample size is from Tinder so it's already going to be skewed. The latest girl I met was 19, she admitted to having a body count of 25 (some of her fucks were with women tho of course.) She railed against her conservative Christian parents the whole time. Hated how they found out she had a few sugar daddies including a 65 year old man she was fuckign in exchange for like 3k a month. She also streamed on Twitch Tv and when I asked her how much she made off that she laughed. She said the actual screen money you see girls make off Twitch is only a fraction of the money they make through the exposure and private DMs men send to set up money in exchange for private pics or even money they get weekly to just text certain men in a way that larps as if they are in a relationship.

Women are pretty exposed to how easy it is to make money off men nowadays and many are taking advantage of it. This is just one story but I have heard many similar stories first hand from women I meet. I am in the USA for the record.