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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He'd be right in saying that they were a stepping stone toward it, though they weren't the origins of it. Charles Wright Mills is probably more influential to American wokeness, with his open repudiation of labour and his open exaltation of the third-world. This, of course, was part of the process of the Left switching en masse from class to race, of the "Old Left" being replaced by the "New Left". It is thus no surprise that Mills is often labelled the 'father' of the New Left.

Likewise, Marcuse claimed that the proletariat were no longer capable of socialist revolution because they were too 'bourgeoisified'. Marcuse put his hope in a coalition of the lumpenproletariat (which is exactly what the Left's voting base is today, a nasty combination of alphabet people, substance abusers and other degenerate Whites, with non-whites using the former as a tool to gain supremacy, and a Gracchite 'establishment' trying to keep this utter fragile shitshow together, one bound together by a hatred of their superiors, in order to keep themselves in power) to usher in socialism. Marcuse was also obsessed with 'sexual liberation'.

Their ideas also have atrocious foundations. Fromm, for example, basically combines the two garbage pseudoscientific paradigms of Freud and Marx, to end up with 'Freudian-Marxism'. The same garbage that the extremely degenerate and deranged J pseudoscientist Wilhelm Reich peddled. Scientifically, it is unlikely that anything of value can be created atop shoddy foundations. Thus Reich is best known for his absurd and baseless idea that a sort of sexual energy can be 'collected' in special 'accumulator' machines and used to cure physical ills. He even had these 'machines' built. People were supposed to sit inside these machines in order to be 'cured'. Being nude, I think, was supposed to make it 'work better'.

Actually, much of contemporary society clearly has their mark upon it. The Left's emphasis on 'reverse racism' rather than 'reverse classism' (thus, the Left problematizing the White race rather than the wealthy, and the rise of 'Critical Race Theory'), being a coalition of the lumpenproletariat while proletarian Whites are increasingly Right-wing voters, and sexual obsession (e.g. the sheer proliferation of genders and sexualities, such that the list of both is ever-growing) are all aspects of late modernity that they championed, even if they could not have possibly predicted all of its effects. Sure, perhaps they would have been uncomfortable with something like genderfluidity, but if they were, it is merely an unintended consequence of the things that they did support.