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[–][deleted]  (7 children)


    [–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    80% of muslims want to kill all Europeans

    This is a strawman of what I said. Please try to come back up the pyramid of debate. I said Islamists use soft and hard power to expand and like Jews they have the desire to tightly control the world both physically and ideologically. Islamic control of the world means white genocide which as a member of the dissident right I oppose.

    I'm not advocating for violence or even disrespect for Islamists or any other Jewish biological weapon that has been imported to breed my people into genocide. That useless posturing aggression and lack of tack would only be used as propaganda to further genocide my people. On an individual level I don't hate any race or religion; even Jews. There are so many normal people within all genetic and ideological tribes that are innocents.

    However, the point still stands. Islamists have historically taken over parts of Europe and were only halted from taking it all by the Germanics. They would do it again if given the right circumstances. Europe is full of Europeans today with european values because my ancestors had the strength to resist soft and hard conquerors. History is amoral dance of the strong dominating the weak and 2021 is no exception.

    Liberal capitalism is the enemy

    A sub group of Jews that came into fabulous wealth through central banking schemes are the enemy of the human race not just me and my fellow whites. All the pedo traffikers and compromised elites that carry water for Jews are the enemy of the human race. Jews that learn of their tribes involvement in world wide slave training and do nothing about it are compromised as well...I don't really have any other enemies and especially not followers of Islam or Islamic people. Islamists are only my enemy if they leveraged by Jews and put in my backyard in large numbers and then use the opportunity to rape my daughters or wage cultural warfare on me. I currently live in an area that doesn't have any of this so I'm not going to sit here and call Islam or Muslims or Arabs my enemy but they are absolutely a historic enemy of whites. There's no denying that. If I lived in the Uk or France there might be reason enough to call Islam my enemy. Soon those countries will be in a race war with Islamists and it will be at the hands of neither whites or Islam but the Jews that brought them there for the expressed purpose to watch them fight and exploit the chaos.

    It is liberal capitalism that wants to forcefully convert the middle east to it's globohomo ways

    This is true but that doesn't mean they won't use violent Islamists to rape and kill whites or trigger a race war. Globohomo Jews trying to genocide Islamic people and Islamic culture does not stop Islamist from trying to kill me. The best Islam and whites can ever hope to achieve is a temporary alliance against the cabal.

    [–][deleted]  (4 children)


      [–][deleted]  (2 children)


        [–][deleted]  (1 child)


          [–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

          Liberal elites don't want Africans and Arabs to start a racewar with Europeans.

          I didn't say they did. Liberal elites are not the 'cabal' liberal elites are just the ideological minions of a smaller group of cultural engineers. That being said liberal elites do advocate for a soft form of genocide when they vote for open borders or destroy the lives of anybody that would stop the flow of foreigners. The civil war is going to come as liberal elites allow more and more foreigners who eventually realize that there are enough of them that they can seriously take over an area. We see this already in many islamic communities in the UK that have created no go zones. That's what triggers a conflict. Liberal elites are not plotting to start a civil war. They are true ideologues. They genuinely believe that people will just live peacefully next to each other and fuck each other and breed a mixed race future society that will do away with war and conflict because all racial and ethnic differences have been bred out.

          This video is an example of the soft genocide born out of naivette systematically programmed into liberals by hostile Jews.

          Nor do they want their illiberal and collectivist religion to overtake us.

          You don't think liberals want conservatives and dissident to be more liberal? That doesn't even make sense.

          This is why radically pro-immigration politicians like Angela Merkel or Boris Johnson explicitly criticise multiculturalism and Islam. They wan't the cheap labour and larger consumer base that immigration offers

          All world leaders like Merkel or Johnson or Trudeau are lifetime actors that were groomed to be in the roles they play. If they oppose one aspect of globoho it's only because they are secretly fufilling other parts of the plan. They are not good faith actors.

          They wan't the cheap labour and larger consumer base that immigration offers, but also want the immigrants to leave their religion and "backwards" social views back home.

          This fits in with the soft genocide model I spoke about above though.

          The assimilation rhetoric that Merkle and other world leaders use is just as dangerous to whites as non assimilated immigrants because it boils the frog slowly as the white majority is reduced, atomized and nickeled and dimed through taxation to pay for foreigners (not to mention endless litigation to deal with all the cultural assimilation programs).

          Don't for a second believe though that world leaders like Merkle swallow the liberal ideology they peddle. They are not ideologues like Bourdain they are totally cold psychopaths that calculate the best path to achieve their political goals and will change their plans on a dime if the industrialists that put them in power tell them to go down a different ideological path.