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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, because they are doing what they believe needs to be done for their survival

Jews justify what they do because they are incredibly neurotic. They can't feel safe unless they are in extreme dominance. Calling it survival is a stretch. In fact their unquenchable thirst for control and dominance all but assures they will be forced into survival scenarios. Authors of their own misery.

because they are slightly smarter than white people.

Debatable. Ashkenazim are on par with white IQ but not so much for Sephardi or Mizrahi.

Jewish IQ is also lopsided in the verbal IQ department. Which is why they make miserable engineers and artists.

But what I'm saying in regards to this, is that the main reason lgbt policies have passed is due to the empathy of white people.

An empathy that has been exploited with a lot of time and expense. Saying the whites would have just naturally gravitated to drag queen story hour and Desmond is Amazing public lap dances is a comically stupid take.

Most white people are libertarians or liberals at heart.

White people are capable of surviving and thriving under almost any political system. They are adaptable. Most K selected races are adaptable due to how they approach the breeding process.

you literally say you believe that non white groups that survived this supposed extinction event you believe in, were slave castes in the pre extinction event world

It's absolutely just a speculation. I don't have some type of hard-on for a ancient or neo caste systems if that's what you're implying. I do know that modern academia is compromised by people that have a atavistic hate towards Europeans. This has caused me to look outside of academia for sociological, and archaeological data and theories. Any group that goes against the mainstream is destroyed up to and including governments and nations. That should tell you something about the conclusions state approved historians are coming too. It's important to note that when I'm talking about antediluvian history this is a LONG time ago and these people not Europeans they are proto proto Europeans.

This was not what your post was about.

That's exactly what my post was about. I'm trying to sound the alarm that modern Jews are attempting to build a control grid as a forerunner to a neo slave state (and they are closer than they have ever been in the past). I oppose slavery done by whites or Jews or other groups and you should too. Ken O'Keefe did a nice summary on the pro war nature of the ruling class. Unfortunately everytime I upload the video is gets scrubbed from the internet so I can't really share it with you.

This is clearly narcissistic behavior and an attempt to paint whites as grandeur.

These people are my ancestors but they are very far removed from what modern man has become. Having interest and forming speculations about your genetic past is not narcissism. If there's evidence that my ancestors were giants that lived long lives and at one point controlled the earth I'm simply stating my interest in learning about those people. If my ancestors were short cliff dwelling people that controlled nothing I'd be just as interested in learning about those folks as well.

This is not only some real stupid shit, but insanely narcissistic.

How is pre flood history 'stupid shit' there's a lot of evidence of pre flood society. Evidence that governments all around the world in coordination with ISIS and other groups are destroying. Have you seen all the reports of giant finds in north america? Have you looked into the mound builders? Have you looked at evidence of ancient machines, gears and super advanced building techniques? Have you looked at all the evidence of the flood? Evidence that goes across the disciplines.

If you have an alt right world view, you are either looking at the world logically to solve problems in the best and most honest way, or you are an ethnonarcissist, and it's clear to me that you are more of the latter.

This is a false dichotomy. People get into race realism and ethnic pride/research for a variety of reasons. Ethnic/racial/tribal/national pride is the default of all humans through all of recorded history. Your attempts to pathologize and stigmitize my love for my race will be ineffective.

If you believe morality is not subjective, you are just flat out wrong

Morality is not subjective. This is a religious topic though and I doubt we are going to find much common ground here so It's ok if we either skip talking about it or you should make a new thread so we can focus in on what's actually being being debated. I think same Harris and Jordan Peterson had two 2 hours fruitless lectures about this topic and I doubt you and I are going to broker any new compromises.

This is simply wrong, higher empathy people are found in leftist circles

And which racial groups even allow leftist circles to exist in the first place? Culture is downstream from race.

I know and agree that high empathy is mostly found in white people, which is why I'm saying that your pipe dream of mass converting people to white nationalism is not likely ever going to happen

If it's a 'pipe dream' than why do Jews and their progressive minions continue to double down on social engineering, lawfare, demoralization and mind control? If what we are doing is ineffective why are so many resources devoted to studying and counteracting us? In fact we already have more than enough whites converted to our positions. You only need a share of the whole. As long as that share is working as an ethnic team. You reveal your lack of understanding of honor culture common among fascist/nationalist minded whites. We don't want to save everyone. We don't think all people (including whites) have value. Value comes from race but also a whole host of other traits and deeds. Whites have undergone a constant breeding regime where low value and low honor types are removed. Criminals removed. Non contributors reduced in stature. This anti fragility created strength. We as pro whites do not just want to survive we want to thrive, explore and push boundaries.

When have white people ever been easily converted to white nationalism?

They haven't needed too. They've existed in sub groups and never been forced to justify their collective existence by a hostile foreign ruling elites.

Even modern data destroys your myth when you realize whites, who are the most empathetic, are also the least likely to identify with their race.

Other studies show that there's no quicker way for a white person to racialize than to be presented with evidence that they are under threat of genocide. White empathy and lack of racialism is an affect of white isolation from the natural ethnic tension all around them. Whites that live closer to blacks and Hispanics for long periods are often redpilled and racialized. The siloed nature of modern capitalism has created a brief restbit from the need of whites to ethnically collectivize and it won't last much longer as whites start noticing their little worlds collapsing from foreigners, anti whites and cultural marxists.