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[–]masterclass 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most people already know the truth. You honestly arent telling anyone anything they dont already know. People dont acknowledge the truth because to do so is to face ruin. Financial and social. After seeing the rioting mobs commit violence with impunity for most of 2020, the threat of actual physical harm also keeps people in line.

It is fear and manufactured guilt that force whites to keep up the charade, and we all know who it is that are using their various monopolies mandating to everyone that this charade be kept up, and it aint black people.

Just look at reddit, which not long ago was fairly based. Now you have shills continually posting and upvoting videos of whites being beaten for being "racist". This isnt done by accident. It is intentional incitement and an effort to intimidate whites into submitting, and encouraging whites to turn on those who dont submit in order to save themselves and get ahead in society. Again we all know who is primarily responsible, and it isnt blacks.