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[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

There really should have been one movie but I think it's a totally rejection of the things you listed given that it's about escape from the simulacra and embracing the 'real'. Given the betrayer in the first one is actually so disgusted by the natural world that he demands to be reinserted into the Matrix but not remember it's a simulation then the ultimate message must be one of embracing humanity and a rejection of world denying and reality denying mental patholgies -- pathologies passionately embraced by modernity.

I actually think it would be a fun short film to make where a bunch of 'trans' people who given that in The Matrix were used to an idealized digital expression of themselves which conformed with their 'gender' found themselves rescued by Morpheus or Neo only to discover that they were men rather than women -- or vice versa -- in the 'real' world. In their anger they find others like them in Zion and begin to figure out a way to team up with the robots and destroy the humans given that the only place they can be happy is in The Matrix.