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[–]antireddit 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They live longer because of their wealth. They can afford top notch medical care, personal servants, great living conditions and food, personal trainers etc. Also because they lived labor free lives they have less wear and tear on their bodies and exposure to hazardous chemicals and conditions. Their lives are also less stressful without having to worry about their next paycheck. They are pampered elites and even in their early life their jewishness affords them access to wealth and business opportunities others dont have. My grandparents, like most working class whites all died relatively young, in their 60s, because they lived hard lives on farms, in mines and in factories. None got to enjoy retirement. They werent dumb white trash either. All were intelligent and skilled, they just werent greedy sheisters that had access to jewish privilege and accumulated wealth.