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[–]masterclass 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Of course. They have free reign to be as openly commie as they want. Reddit for example has a ton of commie themed subs, and social media is crawling with commie larpers. You don't see doctors waxing heroic about having to treat a patient with a sickle hand hammer tattoo, even though they killed more people than all other ideologies combined in the last century, and a lot of antifa openly profess to being commie as they attack and riot, something which would net anyone on the right years in prison. Basically the amount of breathing room a movement has is directly proportional to the amount of support or opposition it receives from Jews, because of their wealth, lobbying and media power. Jews still have a soft spot for communism even if they've largely ditched it and moved on, and this is reflected in what we see.

In the likely event judeo-capitalism completely crashes and burns and the people rise up, there are plenty of capitalist Jews that would switch back to Communism in an instant, with the understanding that they would dominate its leadership and still be able to push an ethnic agenda as they did in early Bolshevik Russia. If the nationalist right rose as a result of an economic collapse in the US, this is probably going to be the go to strategy of our Jewish elite. You already see some signs of this, and I dont doubt that if they succeeded the results would be far bloodier than the red terror was.