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[–]MATKINS 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Anti-racist shitlibs just rationalise their way out of these things. If it isn't the fault of Fascist Trump, then it will be his toxic legacy after he leaves. They already talk in those terms. E.g. "it will take years to undo all the damage Trump has done." Go over to somewhere like r/politics and they're talking about how America needs to be forcefully deradicalised like post-1945 Germany lol.

I think the difference is, ironically, is that the Democrats will take less shit from BLM than Trump did, for optics reasons if nothing else. They won't allow riots to go on for weeks or months on end. More than likely, if/when it pops up again, they'll be contained to whatever city the "police brutality" incident took place in and end after about 3-5 days like in the Obama years. Antifa won't be involved and you won't see as much corporate virtue signalling.