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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]Minedwe 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I think there are a few big issues: Because of the mutt stereotype (which is somewhat true, really) many can't trace their origins or identity to one particular ethnic group in Europe. Many can, but there is still a large chunk who cannot, and would have to choose or split their identity between 2 or even more groups. There's also the lack of cultural carryover, some regions and families still practice ethnic holidays and such (many places in the midwest having Oktoberfest being the obvious example) but many people simply don't know or practcie their cultural traditions anymore. A final big issue is the fact that unlike Europe, where each ethnic group has one or mroe countries or regions where they can say they came from or still reside in, the US is very heterogenous as far as distribution of different ethnicties, White and otherwise, and the elite surely don't care who or where we are as long as they can squeeze us and keep us under their thumb.

    [–]Mr9to5 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Thank you for your articulate take. I’m American but my personal sense of identity is strongly Germanic. I look at the way people in my ancestral part of Germany lived and even to a large extent live today and I see much more in common with them than the average “Murican.” I don’t have a hard rule to only date women with identical backgrounds but for example, I think it would be good if I could.

    Italians and even certain distinctly different Northern Europeans, like the Irish, are under the same attack as what I think of as my people but it does a disservice if we collapse everything into us being “the same.” It really only benefits Leftists, actually, for us to collapse our shared Western heritage into “being White.” Then, we’ve effectively leveled off our differences into a type of crude One Worldism applied to only one continent. At the same time, we give legitimacy to their lies that we are only standing for an “artificial social hierarchy” and “White is a construct” - because on some level, we’ve then destroyed what was natural and have created something artificial.