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[–]sylla94 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

because they are VASTLY and outrageously over-represented in doing these things as a racial demographic.

in my country certain breeds of dogs like the american pit bull terrier, dogo argentino and japanese tosa etc are BANNED from entry into the nation and they aren't allowed to be bred and they also have to wear muzzles when in the streets by law. why? Because they are vastly and outrageously over-represented in violent attacks by dogs. despite that not all pitbulls maul infant children and cats to death, we recognize that they are extremely disproportionately responsible and that it is not worth risking the potential danger of a single fighting dog for the sake the majority which may be innocent. ALL receive the same treatment because evaluating on a case by case basis/innocent on till proven guilty basis will inevitably result in many babies being chewed to pieces.

if an extremely disproportionate amount of Jews are ruining it for the the rest of them (even if the the innocent the majority) then THAT'S ON THEM. how fucking dare you try and shift the burden of guilt to us recognizing those who actively try and destroy us from those who are actually responsible.

I have several close Jewish friends too and if I had the ability to snap my fingers and deport/remove all Jews and their influence (even if it meant including my friends) from Western/White nations, I would make that decision even faster than it would take to snap my fingers because this is a matter of survival.