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[–]Jacinda[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

SS: The Z Man's presentation is a useful summary of fascist thought. He places it within its historical context and like all good postcasters leaves one wanting to know more.


  • 00:00: Opening

  • 02:00: What Is Fascism

  • 07:00: Left-Wing Fascism

  • 17:00: Right-Wing Fascism

  • 27:00: International Fascism

  • 37:00: The Fascist Utopia

  • 47:00: Fascism In America

  • 57:00: Closing

Feel free to expand on his points or add your own opinions below.

Edit: The Z Man was recently featured in a two hour podcast talking with Greg Johnson on Counter Currents Radio.

I hope Greg has him on again. Given that The Z Man believes that the alt-right places too much emphasis on Jewish influence, that would be a great topic to discuss. Maybe Greg could also interview Andrew Joyce.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

What is Fascism: "Authoritarianism, ethnic nationalism, with a flexible ideological core shaped by local conditions particularly its relationship with communism"

Garbage definition, here's mine:

"The Third Position (fascism) is revolutionary nationalism rooted in an organic worldview. It is built on social capital and is a grassroots populist struggle of the people against the forces of International Finance (the ruling elite) and the spiritual decadence of Materialism (the ideologies of Liberalism and Marxism)."

This deals with its worldview, its character as a people's movement rather than an aristocratic or bourgeois one, it names the political enemy of the revolution and defines its opposition to the materialist philosophies of Liberalism and Marxism. I think this is a much better starting point because you can do research into each thing whereas researching 'authoritarianism', 'ethnic nationalism' and 'communism' aren't going to help you and will probably lead one to being taught libtard propaganda instead.

Learning the Organic and Mechanistic-Materialist worldviews, about Social Capital and the rise of fascist organisations (sorely lacking knowledge in our spheres), International Finance and critiques of Liberalism and Marxism from our POV are much more important than the shit he talked about.

[–]Jacinda[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I appreciated your definition especially its emphasis on spiritual renewal. We should be concerned with creating a culture that lifts people up rather than dehumanizing and degrading them with no outlet other than that of a bewildered herd of passive consumers.

I enjoyed this discussion of fascism over at Counter Currents.

Counter Currents:

The Fascist mindset is the result of two things. One is a reaction, not necessarily to the rise of the Left, but to the rise of the special interests. These special interests will fight to the death over very narrow areas of policy-making power, which others see as a minor concern. Multiply this by every narrow area of policy-making and government becomes a market in which residents are butchered for lobbies of every kind, from right to left, from capitalists to public sector employee unions. Asymmetric Interest Theory tells us that the special interest lobby will win every time . . . unless there is an authoritarian figure keeping all parties in line.

The second aspect of the Fascist mindset is not the result of a strong nationalist sentiment, as many believe, but is in fact the creative response to the problem of a void of nationalism. When very few citizens are dedicated to the identity to which the state’s borders correspond, chaos and corruption will follow. Italy was a very young country filled with regionalists and amoral familists when Mussolini adapted socialism to their unique circumstances and created a new nationalism. The South American countries were filled with rather recent immigrants, former slaves, colonized peoples, and rootless cross-breeds. From Pinochet to Chavez, South American “Fascists” emphasize military discipline, nationalism, and their favorite strand of Catholicism to invent nationalistic solidarity in societies where there is no history of solidarity.

It points out the intrinsically defensive nature of facsism as a response to socially divisive forces such as multiculturalism. In that sense it is the political equivalent of an immune reaction.

I'm exhausted by it all. Collectively we need to begin the next great social revolution which will entail bringing humanity into some sort of harmony with the rest of the biosphere not creating a locust like swarm of bug-men on which the elites feed.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh yeah something I forgot to mention was the rebirth/palingenesis being its motivating and unifying Sorelian myth. This as a concept is one of the most important things that distinguishes fascism from bourgeois nationalism, reaction etc.

I'd revise it as:

"The Third Position (fascism) is revolutionary nationalism rooted in an organic worldview with the unifying Sorelian myth of national rebirth also known a palingenesis. It is built on social capital and is a grassroots populist struggle of the people against the forces of International Finance (the ruling elite) and the spiritual decadence of Materialism (the ideologies of Liberalism and Marxism)."

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This guy's definition of fascism is lacking too. He thinks solidifying an identity and creating a community is fascism, neither Hugo Chavez nor P*nochet were fascists for example. Giving the people an identity and orientation is a part of fascism, but it's not fascism on its own.

I'm exhausted by it all. Collectively we need to begin the next great social revolution which will entail bringing humanity into some sort of harmony with the rest of the biosphere not creating a locust like swarm of bug-men on which the elites feed.
