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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I remember when‪ salon‬ interviewed ‪William Ayers‬ about his $25000 dinner with dopey mossad agent‪ Andrew Breitbart and Tucker Carlson.‬

Iran deserves to be annihilated. I think they’re lunatics. I think they’re evil." -Tucker Carlson

Sounds like a nice guy. Not rebranding or anything like that like every other neocon is doing at this very moment.

Tucker supported the Iraq war and said that we should "annihilate Iran". He also has a father who ran Voice of America.

What I'm not going to do is help Tucker Carlson rebrand simply because he said a few vaguely rational things on Fox News, he'll always be a liar to me. I can forgive him but words are meaningless. When truth mattered he was on the side of the neocons.

I know, 100%, that Tucker Carlson and every other media asshole will support a war on Iran after a large scale false flag(dirty bomb?) is blamed on "Iranian proxies" soon enough.

Carlson got the nod"

Roy Cohn, pedo and Trump handler had a hand in hiring Tucker Calrson's father to government propaganda outlet VOA

They all chase the money. From, Cenk getting lots of cash from the democrat (((donor class))).…‬

Following in the footsteps of the historic Donmeh “Turks” who overthrew the Sultan, incited mass murder of Christians, & ceded Palestine to the (((UK))), are we now Cenk.

To Tracey who is no better which is why he self censors so much, he had nothing to say about Cenk until he no longer worked for him or needed him. Same reason he goes on Fox News despite knowing full well what it is, and what silver spoon sucking Tucker is who shilled for the Iraq war.

Moreover, it's been common knowledge for years that ‪Creepy Dershowitz‬ is a sick man, yet people like ‪jake tapper‬ , ‪Tucker Carlson‬ and ‪ Chris Cuomo‬ regularly had him on their shows anyway. Will they finally stop having the pedophile warmonger‪ Alan‬ ‪Dersh‬ on their shows?

Also, anti-war left leaning personalities and activists don't cry as much and don't have backing from big media like many rightwingers do so it's not amplified as much. Did Tucker ever cover this? No, because he is a millionaire paid by billionaires.

Tucker, of course, fails the 9/11 litmus test and has to cater to a new audience; it's a lot like Alex's current audience, which is to say a bunch of morons who blame "the left" for everything and engage in partisan hackery instead of deeper analysis.

Then we have Tucker Carlson guest Max Blumenthal rebranding as anti-war after helping his war profiteer, Clinton employee father lie about various issues and after smearing anti-war and 9/11 truth activists for years? Distasteful? Lets be consistent even when inconvenient.

Lastly, Carlson had a "great" interview with Netanyahu, who he adores and the Senator from Tel Aviv (Likud) goes on Tucker Carlson and makes sure everyone knows the Syrian regime change operation is all about doing what's best for Israel. Too bad he didn't also throw in a plug for Greater Kurdistan while at it (did he say "if you care bout GreaterIsrael?)

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Iran deserves to be annihilated. I think they’re lunatics. I think they’re evil." -Tucker Carlson

I'm not denying that Tucker Carlson was a normie conservative. I think he woke up.

I can show you years of reddit posts where I called people racist and bashed conservatives. I worked with a Jew professor in college to write my senior thesis on the civil right movement. I briefly worked with Obama in 07 and helped him get elected. I am a former bleeding heart liberal. Am I a shill Jesus?

He also has a father who ran Voice of America.

Ok. My mother doesn't share my political views (nor do most of my former friends).

What I'm not going to do is help Tucker Carlson rebrand simply because he said a few vaguely rational things on Fox News, he'll always be a liar to me.

Why not? What's the goal here? The goal is redpilling people. The goal is teaching people white consciousness. Tucker rebranding more towards our position is a good thing. Would you prefer he stay on his old talking points or moved further away from our positions?

I know, 100%, that Tucker Carlson and every other media asshole will support a war on Iran after a large scale false flag(dirty bomb?) is blamed on "Iranian proxies" soon enough.

If Tucker has made a genuine change he won't. How many times did he have on Tulsi and talk about how america's endless war have to stop? He would not have endorsed Tulsi if he wanted war with Iran.

Roy Cohn, pedo and Trump handler had a hand in hiring Tucker Calrson's father to government propaganda outlet VOA

Again. That's his father.

They all chase the money. From, Cenk getting lots of cash from the democrat (((donor class))).

Sure. Luggenpresse and all that. I couldn't agree more that the media is trash. Tucker is redeemable though and useful. I wrote a post last year about the concentric circles of the alt right and how it's important that we allow other whites to spread our pill to normies. Even if those whites are not fully on board with the entire dissident agenda. E. Michael Jones is another great example of the rings of the concentric circle that helps the dissident center. As long as you're not anti white and seeking to subvert the alt right it's ok to be tactical and keep up a high optics front. Rabbi Feinberg's invention of dynamic silence in 1947 has been a devastating blow to white nationalists. We constantly struggle to get our message out. Normal white people struggle to get access to our ideas. I believe Tucker is pro white and I also believe he's a /pol/ock. Which makes him aware of our struggle. Until I see him actively oppose dissidents or promote someone or something blatantly anti white I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. We can not overcome the dynamic silence doctrine (which has billions of dollars behind it) by endlessly dumping on our 'lite' dissidents. We need alt lite and high optic pro whites.

Moreover, it's been common knowledge for years that ‪Creepy Dershowitz‬ is a sick man, yet people like ‪jake tapper‬ , ‪Tucker Carlson‬ and ‪ Chris Cuomo‬ regularly had him on their shows anyway.

Tucker did not give a softball interview. He was probing Dershowitz and hoped it would expose him even more. Tucker very artfully convinced the Jew that he was giving him a platform to 'clear' himself but we all know that Dershowitz showed on that interview and others that he deserves a different type of 'platform'. Tuck was giving him more rope.

Tucker, of course, fails the 9/11 litmus test and has to cater to a new audience; it's a lot like Alex's current audience, which is to say a bunch of morons who blame "the left" for everything and engage in partisan hackery instead of deeper analysis.

Please explain to me what would happen if Tucker started denying the 9/11 official story. (I will help you: he'd be pulled off the air and lose his platform).

Alex's current audience, which is to say a bunch of morons who blame "the left" for everything and engage in partisan hackery instead of deeper analysis.

You can have that one. I'm not an Alex Jones fan. He was right about some things but piles on too much bullshit and misdirection for my taste. His audience is full of qtard boomers. Most are civ nats and not racially conscious (yet).

Then we have Tucker Carlson guest Max Blumenthal rebranding as anti-war after helping his war profiteer, Clinton employee father lie about various issues and after smearing anti-war and 9/11 truth activists for years? Distasteful? Lets be consistent even when inconvenient.

True. Some people change positions just because they are rebranding. Others because they see that jews want to genocide whites and take over the world as their technocratic slave state.

Lastly, Carlson had a "great" interview with Netanyahu, who he adores and the Senator from Tel Aviv (Likud) goes on Tucker Carlson and makes sure everyone knows the Syrian regime change operation is all about doing what's best for Israel. Too bad he didn't also throw in a plug for Greater Kurdistan while at it (did he say "if you care bout GreaterIsrael?)

When was that interview?? I can't even find it with google. Mostly Tucker has been using Israel as an example of a state that's allowed to have a wall and control it's flow of immigrants. That a play directly from Queen Ann and the dissident right. Tucker does not gush about Israel like other conservatives. I think this is just more evidence that he has clearly had some type of fundamental change. It sound like you just refuse to support tucker until he goes 'mask off' which is essentially telling tucker to end his career and lose his access to million of white minds. Is that you Rabbi Feinberg?

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Because the driving group behind it want it for nefarious reasons. The main one being the creation of a permanent and eternal two tiered system: archons and slaves.

    [–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Hey, thanks for the reply. I'm busy for this weekend, but I wanted to add on some information later. I can totally see why you would believe the things you've said here. I'll counter with my opinion in a few days.

    [–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    It sound like you just refuse to support tucker until he goes 'mask off' which is essentially telling tucker to end his career and lose his access to million of white minds. Is that you Rabbi Feinberg?

    I can see why you would look at it that way. I can provide more information why I think Carlson, as are many of the neocons revranding under the pro-Constitution, pro-Wall, anti-Muslim agenda.

    No, this is not a rabbi, and most definitely not Aaron Feinberg, the notorious neocon. Or maybe it is.