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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Part 1

The Bank Charter Act, Jonathan Duncan. CHAPTER VII:

"Thus the English are still paying interest on the gunpowder exploded in the wars of Marlborough, though the principal sum, representing its original cost, has been discharged over and over again.  Thus usury confers immortality on debt, and every child born after the contraction of the debt is reared in the cradle of fiscal bondage.  Thus monied classes are perpetuated by usury, as landed classes are perpetuated by primogeniture.  These two laws are the parents of political privileges, and privilege necessarily demands exclusion as the condition of its own existence.  The two forms of wealth, landed and monied, unite on behalf of privilege, and their alliance puts down and keeps down all the rest of the community who have neither acres nor gold.  The legislation of Peel and Loyd has riveted the fetters of this form of servitude."

How do we prevent this amalgamation of the landed and monied?

Why when the credit of a false system collapses does the state impose the 'sacrifice quota'?

We are told by usurious bankers, the reductio ad absurdums of economists, industrialists and political lackeys of the money power that over-production of commodities is the reason for the burdens endured or that innocent, hard-working people lose their livelihood and even life itself because they had worked too hard.

That a people produced a surplus, and yet children were homeless and people were thirsty and starving.

Industrialists, taking orders from the money power, told their debtors that they must destroy their "surplus", when it itself was more than enough to feed, cloth and house every homeless and starving person in the US. A nation of plenty that artificially succumbs to boom-and-bust cycles where businesses in order to not go bankrupt destroy their perfectly good produce to raise prices to stay afloat.

Harvey, James. Paper Money. :

The Church of England denounces usury, classing it with the most odious of vices.  For in the Canon 109 the following occurs: 

"If any offend their brethren either by adultery, whoredom, incest, or drunkenness, or by swearing, ribaldry, or USURY, or any other uncleanness, the churchwarden shall present them, that they shall be punished, and not admitted to the Holy Communion." 

This is little attended to by men in holy orders, and no class is more ready to invest in foreign loans, tempted by high and usurious interest, than the curates and vicars and rectors of the Church of England.  Their names frequently occur in lists of bank shareholders, and of investors in insurance companies.  Who ever heard a sermon holding forth usury as a sin ?  Are they not too ready to pay court to the richer members of their congregations, without any reference to the equivocal modes in which those riches are acquired ?  Nor can dissenting ministers be acquitted of passing over the crying sin of the age in silence, though well aware that "the chief places in the synagogue" are chiefly held by men indulging in these iniquitous transactions.

The greatest usurers in the Middle Ages were the Jews, whose extortionate claims were the principal cause of the popular hatred which too often found vent in massacres and persecutions;  and these not discouraged by kings, emperors, and princes, embarrassed by the demands of their unscrupulous creditors. 

Today, and yesterday, throughout antiquity, what was allowed by Talmudism, and Judaism and those Kings agents to the money power is still held as a virtue today.

Yeshua said unto his brothers:

Forgive them their debts.

Christendom proclaims an anti-Usury stance, but except for the early theology of the Catholic Church, which sought to follow these principals, despite venerating Christ in a grossly, levitical like hierarchy of pompousness and grand display, has now succumb to the vipers of manufactured debt. They have sworn their allegiance or turned the other eye from this great sin enriching themselves in the process. A curious fact can be observed through research that the reformation, specifically the Calvinist sect was largely controlled by merchants and usurers themselves.

It can be then said, here, in the west, that the only real goal of the machinations of the money power is to have the state never pay back this debt. For more debt equals more promissory notes stolen and issued at interest, which then equals more debt, ad infinitum.

The politicians and media then cater to this game theory, providing the public with feel good stories of an indebted but "prosperous" and dilettante citizenry.

National Bankers’ Circular.

“ Dear Sir:—

“ It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such daily and weekly newspapers, especially the agricultural and religious press, as will oppose the issuing of greenback paper money, and that you also withhold patronage or favors from all who will not oppose the government-issue of money.  Let the government issue the coin, and the banks issue the paper money of the country;  for then we can better protect each other.  To repeal the law creating national banks, or to restore to circulation the government-issue of money, will be to provide the people with money, and will, therefore, seriously affect your individual profit as bankers and lenders.  See your Member of Congress at once, and engage him to support our interest that we may control legislation.”

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2

But according to the truth, many Greenbackers were all for the central bank concept backed by permanent public debt.

According to Yamaguchy and public records freely available:

[In 1862 greenbacker John Sherman advocated for an hour in favour of the legal-tender clause, then voted for it; and voted for the legal tender bill as well. Unlike Sarah Emery, or any of the future Greenback Party members, Senator Sherman was in the position to say and act nay or yea; without John Sherman's vocal support and vote, the legal-tender clause would not have passed.]

An ever-increasing public debt interwoven in every facet of social life, and this to, as Clement Laird Vallandigham states:

...subjugate the States and the people perpetually to the Federal Government, and therefore never to be extinguished ? 

The true policy of the money-power and the radical republicans of whom many just so happened to be greenbackers was to centralize the government over state rights to be used as a strongman for their cause.

Lincoln states in His Second Annual Message on December 1, 1862:

Applications have been made to me by many free Americans of African descent to favor their emigration, with a view to such colonization as was contemplated in recent acts of Congress.

The vast amount of money daily loaned on call in Wall street, at a high rate of interest, shows how the currency of the country is being used.  So long as the national Government takes no steps toward redeeming its own paper, so long will there be nothing to call the notes of the country banks back home;  so long will there be no healthy and equal circulation of the currency. If $200,000,000 more currency were now issued.  I do not doubt that within two months there would be the same want of money in the rural districts that now prevails.  The surplus would flow to the money centers, and the increased prices would make our condition worse than before.  It ought not to be forgotten that while the capitalist and speculator are able to take advantage of fluctuations in prices, the poor man has no such power.  The necessities of life he must buy day by day, whatever the price may be.  He offers for sale only his labor.  That he must sell each day, or it will be wholly lost.  He is absolutely at the mercy of the market.

In this essay James Garfield takes on the monetary reformists and paper advocates;  and once again clearly states where he stands on the issue.  Of course, book-peddlers and their groupies never read this piece.  From Mr. Garfield's article we find out that quote fabrication did not start with 20th century book-peddlers, it was the bread and butter of the monetary reformists from the very beginning;  little did Garfield know --or could have imagined-- that soon as he died, he and a quote blamed on him, too, became part of the regurgitators' fodder, and James Garfield was presented to ignorant groupies as someone who opposed bankers and their system and for this reason was assassinated by them. [...] At that time silver was still in use in France, there were about $700million worth of legal tender silver coins among the people; in the U.S. Garfield participated in demonetizing silver because he wanted irredeemable bank paper. Eventually, the banking interests, whom Garfield represented throughout his military and political life, forced France --and the Latin union-- to abandon silver] [...] [In the 1860's] compound-interest notes were very large denominations, so they did not circulate, they sat in the vaults of banks and insurance companies, where they earned interest; National banks were required to keep 25% of their circulation in greenbacks in their vaults, which in this case was ~$45million; so that did not circulate, either; the 830million 7.30s which were just issued, to pay off the soldiers of the disbanding army, also did not do too many transactions before coming to rest in vaults and earn 7.3% interest.--- Yamaguchy

for the machinery of civil war speedily developed opportunities which enabled Congress to adopt a system of class legislation, the results of which have already placed insurmountable barriers between labor and monopolistic capital, and have built up social castes which can only thrive on monarchial soil.

Whatever may have been the object of our civil war is not necessary for us at this time to question, but its results are evident, for the most casual observer cannot fail to see that the democratic simplicity of our fathers has given way to an aristocracy of wealth on one hand and a most abject and degrading poverty on the other. The middle classes are rapidly losing foothold, the line of demarkation between aristocracy and serfdom is becoming more fixed, and a system of land tenantry has sprung up which bids fair to outrival that of the old world.


Up to the time of this treaty the German empire was on a silver basis, but, upon the payment of this enormous war indemnity, Bismarck, in the execution of his policy to cripple France as much as lay in his power, procured the passage of a law through the German parliament which provided for the demonetization of silver.

Not a fan here.

So, It is of no lie to say that Lincoln hd enemies, just as banking aristocracies are enemies of other banking aristocracies.

"I know of none which promises so certain results as the organization of banking associations.  To such associations the Government might furnish circulating notes, on the security of United States bonds deposited in the Treasury." ---December 1, 1862.

"it is hoped that very soon there will be in the United States no bank-note circulation not secured by the Government.  The national [currency bank] system will create a reliable and permanent influence in support of the national credit and protect the people against losses in the use of paper money." ---December 6, 1864.]

How's that going for us?

The faith of the United States, supported by taxation, is to be abandoned, and this paper money is to be floated in every commercial and business transaction of the country, by main force of law, and not voluntary credit because of the solvency of the United States, till a year or two hence the Secretary shall have stocks enough to enable him to execute his financial schemes and contrivances in full.  This, then, is the first step in the direction of his grand fiscal and monetary agent which is to maintain the credit of the Government and supply the sole paper currency of the country;" And now, sir, what, I beg to know, is the object of all this, if it be not to create an enormous and endless public debt, to be interwoven with every political, social, and business relation of life;  to subjugate the States and the people perpetually to the Federal Government, and therefore never to be extinguished ? As we know from future history, and as you have noticed it by 1874, Hooper &co. carryed out their plan and the predictions of Vallandigham became reality.

--- Yamaguchy; and research what happened to Vallandigham. What did the US government do? They expelled him for telling the truth.

And Yamaguchy continues here:

...radical reconstructionist[s], [...] wanted to reorganize the united States under the firm control of a central government in Washington ---greenbacks were one of the means to that end.

...following Wilson and Sherman, Senator Cowan spoke, and asked a question:

It has been said that this bill will relieve the people from the clutches of the bankers and brokers, &c., and that any one who opposes it, is of course friendly to and sustaining their interests.  I do not understand it, when I am told by all the advocates of this bill that all of these same people, almost without exception, are in favor of it.  I suppose they are the financiers --the great financiers of the country-- of whom we have heard so much, and to whose opinions we must all yield.  If so, they are more patriotic and magnanimous than they are reckoned to be, in thus devoting themselves to this scheme, which is to be the death of their interests.  It may be true, but the Jews may believe it for me."

Basically, many of the "greenbackers" were for the floating of 5/20 bonds AFTER the Treasury notes were depreciated by over-issue. This was the scheme.