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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist[S] 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

giving non-jews too much pass for what they have done and continue to do

Maybe. On the other hand if we put to much blame on our own we just fall into the trap of endless infighting.

What about every non-jew politician and celebrity for the past 60 years?

This is something I want to get into in part two. The first generation of subversion certainly had genuine traitors. Today though many politicians and celebrities don't even know they are betraying themselves and their volk. How many liberals do you know that can intimately speak about about the history and goals of liberalism? How many of the truly realize the ultimate aims and goals of liberalism and progressivism? Are these folks really our enemies or simply caught up in the web? My grudge is with the spider not his prey.

They could have informed us.

Can someone who has really invested in utopian ideals really 'inform' you of the dangers of the person that created it? No cult member will really tell you about the dangers of the leader because they are so enchanted the don't really see the shortcomings. I see most liberals this way. In fact their hate towards 'racists' is just an impulse to pull the community together and work as a team. A noble trait when not being wasted on Africans and helping weak men cut make a fake penis out of their forearm skin.

Our goal needs to be re-orienting our people towards the archetypes and heros they instinctualy crave; and the time for saving them is getting shorter and shorter. We stopped defining ourselves so someone else did it for us. We simply need to stop this and create a rebirth of identity.

White politicians weren't subject to intimidation

Some were, and some were bought off.

And if they were all bought off does that excuse them?

No. I think the ones that were bought off deserve their fate. However, there's nuance here and there's a spectrum.

Even today the thousands of non-jews who could save us continue with the same hostile mindsets.

True but many minds are changing. Look at local everyday conversations. Look at online exchanges. There's a shift of consciousness. Only after a perception change can action take place.

[–]antireddit 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I see most liberals this way. In fact their hate towards 'racists' is just an impulse to pull the community together and work as a team.

They hate (white)"racists" for the same reason people in 17th century Salem Massachusetts claimed to hate witches. Fear, a desire for increased social status and power, and brainwashing.