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[–]cisheteroscumWhite Nationalist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is the way IQ test are rigged the make the wealthy appear more intelligent

Dumb. We know IQ/g measures "intelligence" because it correlates with other proxies for intelligence - like peer rated intelligence, scores on standardized tests, etc. It's also the most powerful predictor for life outcomes that exists in the social sciences

The practical validity of g as a predictor of educational, economic, and social outcomes is more far-ranging and universal than that of any other known psychological variable. The validity of g increases as the complexity of the measured task increases

The predictive validity of g is most conspicuous in the domain of scholastic performance. This is apparently because g is closely linked to the ability to learn novel material and understand concepts and meanings.

There is a high correlation of .90 to .95 between the prestige rankings of occupations, as rated by the general population, and the average general intelligence scores of people employed in each occupation.

Research indicates that tests of g are the best single predictors of job performance, with an average validity coefficient of .55 across several meta-analyses of studies based on supervisor ratings and job samples. The average meta-analytic validity coefficient for performance in job training is .63.[94] The validity of g in the highest complexity jobs (professional, scientific, and upper management jobs) has been found to be greater than in the lowest complexity jobs, but g has predictive validity even for the simplest jobs.

And the list goes on. Easily disprovable copes on IQ are not going to save you here. Your "regatta" thing is at least as stupid. You'll have to try a little harder