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[–]antireddit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There seems to be an understanding that this is spinning out of control and that Jews have gone too far in openly cancelling blacks that diss them. This is why they've offered an olive branch to Cannon and are allowing him to remain as a host on one of their popular degenerate tv attractions 'the mask'. They are effectively buying Cannon off. Shut up about this and we'll let you keep this gig(theyll probably cancel him later when this dies down).

If this continues to grow, what Jews will probably do to try to put down this slave rebellion is get some of their house slaves to come out against the rebels and blanket media with it. In other words the same subversive shit they do to us. You can already see this happening. Apparently Dave Chapelle dissed Nick Canon years ago, and now Jews are plastering it everywhere in the hopes it will spur other golem to attack him. It was the top comment on like every nick canon post in reddit I saw. Their midwit machiavellian bullshit is so transparent.

Not sure if that will work since blacks have a lot of back channels of communication that Jews dont fully control, and unlike whites blacks will openly talk about shit like this to each other. Whites just cower and whisper in hushed towns or snitch on each other for a pat on the head. Blacks on the other hand will shout this shit from the rooftops to each other.

Once you understand how Jewish propaganda works its astonishing to watch how extensive and brazen it is.