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[–]TFWyourWaifuDies 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember when Alex Jones was banned from YouTube. I remember when r/MDE was banned on reddit. And now it's come to this. All my favorite subs are gone. Most of the people i watch, or used to watch, are gone from YouTube. And in the meantime, riots are happening on the streets and minority crime against white people is going unprosecuted. The new reddit content policy is now also explicitly stating that it's going to allow discrimination against white people.

This is all while Trump is still in Office, and now it's looking like he won't even have a second term. Imagine how bad this is going to get under Biden.

People weren't kidding when they said that it was only going to get worse. I just didn't expect it to get this bad, this fast.