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[–]Locke 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm who started one of the threads (and I really appreciate your comments, Fedinetizen.). My concerns are genuine too. I said my piece and I'm glad it was seen.

All I wanted was for mods to see it and I'm glad you did. I was very clear on I just don't want people driven away from the site. Please do something about it if you agree that's all these people are trying to do. I'm not here to only post about that sort of thing, but it bothered me a lot as a new user to see the front page flooded with that. I already know a few people who considered trying Saidit after recent Reddit bans who were turned off by those posts and haven't bothered creating an account here. I'm not disputing their right to make the posts and I agree posting a greater variety of content will help, but we're not going to get more posts if more people don't post here.

The gender critical subs are very active and when I include them in my front page the conspiracy theory and antisemitism posts are drowned out. I've seen the justification for some of these not being in /s/all is they don't allow debate. The people quickly turning to personal attacks because I called them out obviously aren't allowing debate either. Why allow them in /s/all? I'm not saying ban them, I just really don't understand the reasoning behind allowing them to flood the front page, especially if you agree that scaring away new users is exactly what they're after. Why give them the chance?