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[–]Poppy29252Natal Cat Woman 59 insightful - 9 fun59 insightful - 8 fun60 insightful - 9 fun -  (7 children)

Superstraight is a sexuality built on exclusion

But like.......isn't that ultimately how all sexualities work.

[–]JulienMayfair 37 insightful - 8 fun37 insightful - 7 fun38 insightful - 8 fun -  (6 children)

But like.......isn't that ultimately how all sexualities work.

Exactly. All desire is exclusionary because you want one thing and not another.

Who demands that you like all flavors of ice cream equally? Maybe peanut butter ice cream just doesn't appeal to me. The TRA response would be, "YOU HAVE TO BE OPEN TO EATING PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM. NOT BEING OPEN TO EATING PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM IS HATEFUL AND PEANUT-PHOBIC!"

[–]ThrowMeAway2879[S] 26 insightful - 13 fun26 insightful - 12 fun27 insightful - 13 fun -  (5 children)

I mean... have you tried licking peanut butter? Oh... you have? ... But still... how can you say you don't like peanut butter? Have you tried to lick every peanut butter there is? ... No? See! You can't just dismiss every peanut butter out there, there are so many of them. Maybe there's that one special peanut butter somewhere that you'd like?


You really should try some of my peanut butter. It's delicious, I promise.

[–]JulienMayfair 14 insightful - 15 fun14 insightful - 14 fun15 insightful - 15 fun -  (4 children)

You really should try some of my peanut butter.

I guess your peanut butter has the right mouthfeel . . . ;-)

[–]ThrowMeAway2879[S] 15 insightful - 15 fun15 insightful - 14 fun16 insightful - 15 fun -  (1 child)

I guess your peanut butter has the right mouthfeel . . .

It's nothing like all those other peanut butters. Much chunkier. I make it with special nuts.

... I'll show myself out.

[–]EllaRoxySuper Lesbian 7 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)
