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[–]VioletRemiCat, homosexual one 58 insightful - 10 fun58 insightful - 9 fun59 insightful - 10 fun -  (17 children)

They backwardsly gave first women's award in filming to sisters Wachowski, while they were still men when got the award. Taking all the stuff women deserve just retroactively.

As someone said - this means any president can backtrack and become first female president too if say that "I am now woman" somewhere in the future.

It is so stupid.

[–]xanditAGAB (Assigned Gay at Birth) 50 insightful - 21 fun50 insightful - 20 fun51 insightful - 21 fun -  (6 children)

I wish trump would do this and watch libfem heads explode lol

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 25 insightful - 14 fun25 insightful - 13 fun26 insightful - 14 fun -  (3 children)

I actually hope he does. Liberals would go from "Orange Man Bad" to "Orange Woman Embarrassment to Queer Women". Or "Yas Orange Queen, Slay!"

[–]insta 34 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 0 fun35 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

No they wouldn't. They'd denounce it as transphobic and hateful then do everything they can to avoid explaining why.

They do this all the time.

[–]DestructionI ❤️ adult human females 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"you are whatever you say you are unless we don't like you"

[–]insta 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I just hate this notion of "Oh, we just have to play this word game and then they'll look like fools".

No! This doesn't matter! You can't use their word games against them! They simply drop the rules whenever it doesn't benefit them. It's so obvious and they do it all the time. You're not going to win the argument on some technicality. They'll just denounce you, slander you, and gaslight the whole conversation and move on.

[–]fuckupaddamsBisexual Terve 22 insightful - 5 fun22 insightful - 4 fun23 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

I unironically have thought this. It would peak everyone in a single instant.

[–]wafflegaffWoman. SuperBi. 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It is definitely a fashionable attention-seeking maneuver, and he loves those. It would make 2020 complete. I vote yes.

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 25 insightful - 3 fun25 insightful - 2 fun26 insightful - 3 fun -  (9 children)

Ah yes, the Wachowskis. They made that abomination called Sense8. Tried watching it back when I was liberal. Even then I could not get past the second episode. It was so cringey.

[–]Q-Continuum-kin 19 insightful - 2 fun19 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I think sense 8 had a great consept for a series and ruined it with the final episode. Of course the trans character really ruined the immersion with the gratuitous strap-on sex scene then how they showed their parent to be a loving whose only crime was refusing to see gender issues over sex for religious reasons. But with that they really demonized the relationship. Then they had their magical hacking power which somehow TRANSFERRED to the GF who wasn't part of the 8. Literally they made it like dating the MtF hacker could give the regular "lesbian" their super power.

That single character managed to ruin the plot of the show but if you suspend disbelief of that 1character they ruin it with the end. People tried to get me to watch season 2 and I was like hell no. Then it got cancelled and people were so surprised for some reason.

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that Sense8 had a great concept, but the implementation was plain wrong. Woke characters are annoying and woke storylines are not entertaining at all. So of course the show got cancelled. Deservedly so, in my opinion. The same men who made this show made the Matrix, so they obviously didn’t become woke until recently.

[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Same. That show pissed me off even when I was woke. I knew who the Wachowskis were, for me is rare to know directors bc I don’t care about cinema but I knew who they were so it was pretty clear the show was a woke fantasy world. Representation to all: Blacks, Whites, Asians, Indians, woman dating two blokes at once, the gays who are the het woman’s pet, the strong woman, gays, bisexuals, trans, literally everyone but lesbians, not even one lesbian. I was hardcore woke when I watched sense8 but even back then I thought that such SJWs like Wachowskis didn’t simply forgot the lesbian, they did it on purpose. 😒

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Why am I not surprised about the Wachowskis leaving out the lesbians? There is the trans woman who they pass as a lesbian, which obviously isn’t true. Anyway, I found all of the main eight characters to be annoying. Let me go over them for some humour:

The American trans woman. He would have avoided every problem he had if he just wore a helmet. Also, I find it odd that his mother was able to prevent his bisexual girlfriend from seeing him in the hospital, because the trans woman could just demand that the hospital let his girlfriend in to see him and the hospital would comply. I know there are cases of people not being allowed to see their same-sex partners in hospital, which gave rise to the gay marriage movement, but this was set in San Fransisco in the New Tens.

The American police officer, who is not like the other police officers. Give me a break. I love how he makes a point to rescue a black kid - good on him, because police officers are supposed to rescue people in need irrespective of race, ethnicity or whatever, but the storyline was written in a way to virtue signal how woke the cop was.

The Icelandic woman running away from her problems and screwing up constantly. Okay then?

The South Korean woman who runs a company and gets screwed over by her brother. She goes to prison because she willingly took the blame for her brother’s crimes, when all she had to do was just do nothing and let him go to prison.

The German fella with daddy issues. The scene where he pisses on his father’s grave lacks subtlety. Poor writing. Plus, he’s a thief. He should have sought therapy.

The Mexican gay actor is the worst. “Oh woe is me”’. Dude, you choose to be an actor. And why the fuck does he let this woman objectify him and his boyfriend. He should have told her to piss off and then his problems would be over.

The Kenyan fella and the Indian woman didn’t annoy me, but they were boring. So I didn’t care for them. No wonder that show sucked so much.

[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

He would have avoided every problem he had if he just wore a helmet.

Mate 😂😂😂😂😂 you crack me up.

Lesbians rarely have representation, it has always been like this so whatever. What actually get under my skin is that now, we’re becoming so “progressive” that the rare moments “lesbians” have representation we’re represented by... heterosexual men?

Same thing happened in Euphoria. The “lesbian” couple is a heterosexual couple. You don’t see it done to gays and there’s a reason for it, it isn’t coincidence. Women are always left behind in the woke LGBTabcLetterSoup. You can tell by the fact that not only there’s no lesbian in sense8, there’s also no transman. Transmen are generally left behind while transwomen are everywhere in the mainstream media. Exactly like lesbians are generally left behind while gays are everywhere in the mainstream media. I wonder why... what is it that transwomen and gays have in common? What is it that transmen and lesbians have in common? 😏🤭

Also, so many uncomfortable scenes for me:

The unnecessary orgy scenes (because of course, deep down everyone is bi).

The bisexual’s white mother had three black men... that scene. Was that supposed to remained us? porn? It worked, I could not think of anything else.

The scenes where the straight woman lay in the gay couple’s bed, the boys get all uncomfortable, I got all uncomfortable.

The German’s parents were daughter and father!? ... of course, they could not forget incest.

At this point is quite clear that most of the ideas come from pornhub. Unsurprising considering that it was wrote by, mmm... transwomen. lol

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I don’t know exactly why lesbians get ignored by mainstream society when it comes to LGBT representation, but I do have some theories:

  1. Most writers are men.
  2. The LGBT community has gone out of its way to pander to straight women, so gay men got more attention than lesbians as straight women find guy-on-guy hot. It’s also why bisexual women got more attention than lesbians.
  3. Gay men have historically faced more prosecution and violence for being homosexual than lesbians. Former British colonies and former soviet countries used to criminalise male homosexuality but never female homosexuality. Now, lesbians were locked up in convents Magdalene laundries, or simply bullied by their families, but this has also happened to straight women who were too sexual or too disobedient. So there was a perception that the gay rights movement mostly applied to gay men. Not to mention the fact that anal sex comes to mind when homophobes think of homosexuality, even though this applies only to male homosexuality.

Those are just my theories.

Yes, those sex scenes on that show disgusted me. Woke shows insist that everyone is a little bit bisexual. The writers say that all of the characters are pansexual, whatever that word means. And it’s not just Sense8 that does it. In the Trailer Park Boys, Jim Lahey was gay, then after the show was bought by Netflix they made him bisexual.

The transsexual’s introductory scene was him getting pegged by his girlfriend. Not to mention the Mexican fag hag who entered the gay man’s house uninvited and just decided to lay in bed between two gay men. And took photos of them sleeping together. Because she’s into Yaoi. Creepy. And all these porn references... The show’s writers are coomers. Look, it’s okay to watch porn if the actors were all consenting adults, but if you watch too much porn, it messes you up. Obviously, the Wachowski brothers have watched too much porn.

[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I was being sarcastic, i know why lesbians (in comparison to gays) and transmen (In comparison to transwomen) are generally ignored, because we’re women and this is a men’s world.

Gay men have historically faced more prosecution and violence for being homosexual than lesbians. Former British colonies and former soviet countries used to criminalise male homosexuality but never female homosexuality.

That’s true and that’s mostly because women’s sexuality were always downplayed, women weren’t even considered really homosexual to begin with. There are still countries in which male homosexuality is criminalized and female’s? “Non-existing“. It isn’t coincidence that those are the same countries in which women, straight or otherwise, are castrated — FGM. Women were persecuted and stigmatized for being women much more than for being homosexual. Women never have lost much because of homosexuality because they didn’t had much to lose in the first place.

Trailer Park Boys, Jim Lahey was gay, then after the show was bought by Netflix they made him bisexual.

I gladly don’t even know what show is this. My condolences, anything may be good until is bought by Netflix lol. I don’t even bother with netflix anymore, every show there is soft porn, and if I want to watch porn, I have better resources than netflix.

The transsexual’s introductory scene was him getting pegged by his girlfriend. Not to mention the Mexican fag hag who entered the gay man’s house uninvited and just decided to lay in bed between two gay men. And took photos of them sleeping together. Because she’s into Yaoi.

Don’t those things makes you think about how would people react if the opposite was done? Exemple: I can imagine that if the sense8 (gays couple, straight woman) situation was instead of a gay, a lesbian couple being objectified by a straight man, carried by the directors in a way that is supposed to be “cute and funny” like they do to the gay couple, it probably would be very poorly received by the mass, and rightly so. So what is it that don’t click and keep people from see that the couple is being objectified? And if they see that the couple is being objectified, why don’t they have a problem with it? I had this conversation with a friend of mine irl, and he simply can see that the couple is objectified, he told me I was overthinking and the straight woman love Nico and was just being supportive; he’s opinion is unanimous among all our friends who watched the show, which don’t surprise me given that the straight woman IS painted as a ally, their friendship is so genuine, she’s so open minded that she don’t even mind that the Mexican boy is gay, how great she is. The direction try to force this narrative so the objectification is justified.

I would not mind see objectification of gays and lesbians on tv show and movies if it wasn’t portrayed as a good or neutral thing. The objectification is real, many of us do experience it, in different ways and levels but most of us have lived it or seen it. I don’t go against reality being portrayed on entertainment, I think is through reality that we can immerse and relate to fictional characters, but how reality is portrayed matter.

Anyways I admit I’m probably over critical cause I’m butthurt because the time I wasted watching that shitshow is time I’ll never get back.

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Netflix sucks. They hadn’t messed up The Witcher or Tiger King, though. Then again, Tiger King is a documentary and Polish production companies did most of the work for The Witcher, so they were able to stand up to Netflix. I’m thinking of getting Amazon Prime. Is it any good?

I’ve wasted my life on things as well. I feel your pain. That plot line with the Mexican Fujoshi was one of the main reasons why I stopped watching that show.

[–]JulienMayfair[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

not even one lesbian.

There are lesbians in one early episode, and they are portrayed as transphobic enemies of Nomi, the trans character. It's clearly the Wachowskis taking a shot at lesbians they consider terfs.

I also loved how Nomi's sister says that their dad warned her that she shouldn't invite Nomi to her wedding because Nomi would make it "all about her," and then, what do you know -- Nomi does actually end up making her sister's wedding all about her.