all 17 comments

[–]WinstonSmithTired of being nice 34 insightful - 3 fun34 insightful - 2 fun35 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

T: Some are delusional and mentally ill, some are fetishists, some do it to escape (internalised) homophobia or misogyny. The T wouldn't even exist if they all got proper psychiatric care, and not validation and hormones and surgery (we don't treat any other delusion this way. "Transitioning" is a gruesome, irreversible, mutilating procedure that does way more harm than good, it needs to be illegal even for adults.) Trans ideology itself is homophobic and sexist at its core, and I think we all know how harmful it is, especially to women, children and LGB people. I'm also surprised how even in GC/anti-trans circles people are willing to enable these individuals' delusions only when they're "not harming anyone". No one benefits from this game of playing pretend. I refuse to pretend a man is a woman, and so should you.

Q: Spoiled heterosexual teenagers and young adults with too much time on their hands, who haven't accomplished anything significant in their lives so the only way for them to get praise and attention is to claim some super speshul kweer identity, cry about how oppressed they are for having blue hair and piercings, and beg for donations on Twitter. They treat LGB like it's some sort of Cool Kids Club they desperately need to be a part of, so they colonise LGB spaces and kick out everyone who's actually same-sex attracted. The Q is a result of an entire generation raised to believe that their own feelings matter more than anything else.

I: A genetic aberration. Another letter that has nothing to do with same-sex attraction. Nor does it have anything to do with transgenderism. I hate how intersex people are used as a human gotcha by trans demands activists, as some pseudosciencific proof that ~sex is a spectrum~, or that there's such a thing as a ~ladybrain~ *barf*. Every single individual with any form of DSD is either male or female (NOT a "third sex"), and there is no proof of a possible viable hermaphroditic human organism. I feel so bad for intersex people being dragged into this mess against their will (seriously, whose idea was it to add the I into the acronym? And for what reason?)

A: It's okay to be celibate and/or to have a low libido. But for the love of God don't make that your entire personality.

+: No matter who I ask, no one can give me a clear explanation for what exactly the + is supposed to mean. To me, it's just an easy way for kinksters, fetishists, pedophiles etc. to insert themselves into the gay liberation movement under the guise of ~inclusivity~.

TLDR: All of them are unnecessary and the TQ ideology is harmful to actual LGB people. Kick 'em out.

Edit: Added I and A.

[–]julesburm1891 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

At best, unrelated to same-sex attracted people. At worst, toxic and homophobic antics that harm same-sex attracted people.

[–]Lesbianese 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Get rid of them, they have nothing to do with us.

[–]PeakingPeachEaterfemale♀ | detrans🦎 | eater of peaches 🍑 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

T: I don't agree with it regardless of gender dyphoria or not. I was a former trans female with extreme gender dysphoria to where I wish I could rip off my skin or just...die. I ended up working through it. So, I can sympathize with (regular) trans people, because I've been there. I just do not agree with transitioning as a way to help, because I know for DAMN sure if I went with surgery/hormones it would NEVER be the same as being BORN a man and that worsen the gender dysphoria. I also do not like the Trans Rights Activist because most are autogynephiles/autoandrophiles or ignorant.

Q: The word is a slur, and being called that back then sucked. However...most people who use this term are rather young, so I used to not care, and think they're being silly until it began to affect the B---essentially erasing us to take on the label of "queer" which basically boiled down to a political divide.

I: . . . Don't really have much of an opinion and I don't hear much from them. Everyone (who's not part of the Intersex group) seems to speak for them. Other than that, I'm cool with them---I have no ill will. If you mean if we should have the 'I' in the LGB, then I'd say no because it's not a sexuality.

A: Hmm...I would say they're very rare. The definition of an Asexual is someone who lacks sexual/romantic attraction, so with that said, those who identify as "biromantic", "homoromantic" or "heteromantic", are really just celibate bisexuals, homosexuals, and heterosexuals. Also, they wouldn't be included in the LGB either since they're a lack of sexual or romantic attraction. It looks like they have their own groups that are striving, so good for them.

Edit: word

[–]SkinnyVanilla 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

T: Nothing to do with same-sex attraction

Q: Does not have a definition; therefore easy for non-same-sex-attracted people to use as a wedge to, I don't know, make themselves more interesting?

I: Nothing to do with same-sex attraction

A: Nothing to do with same-sex attraction

[–]PeakingPeachEaterfemale♀ | detrans🦎 | eater of peaches 🍑 12 insightful - 6 fun12 insightful - 5 fun13 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I like this. Get the skinny from SkinnyVanilla--spitting out straight facts! I know, lame play-on-words

[–]ChunkeeguyTeam T*RF Fuck Yeah 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

T - Currently the T is a nightmare mix of people with a mental illness/medical condition, 13-year-old children desperate to be different and creepy people with fetishes and philias. The original T, which should never have been added to the LGB, are a far cry from the rest of the mess but they are still all too often misogynists and unpleasant people.

Q - Obnoxious bratty straight kids.

I - I feel very angry on their behalf that they are constantly paraded around by T&Q for selfish purposes.

A - Asexual and aromantic have no place with LGB. When has anyone been oppressed for not having sex or any interest in relationships. More obnoxious children and immature adults looking for attention.

Plus (+) - I don't really think mental illness, personality disorders and neurodivergency have anything to do with sexual orientation.

[–]OPPRESSED_REPTILIANIntersex male | GNC | Don't call me "a gay", "twink" or "queen" 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

T: Narcissistic attention seekers, usually abusive, psuedoscience cultists. Often literal children but unfortunately there are many adults with more power.

Q: Meaningless and cringy but relatively harmful. Again, mostly children, or at least young people, who typically grow out of it. Sometimes you see a 30 year old identifying as a panromantic queer graysexual and that's embarrassing as hell, but, aside from being clowns they're pretty harmless. I also personally don't care if it's a slur, my only problem is those who label all homosexuals/etc as "queer" without permission. But I feel the same about other words, like "twink" or calling someone "a gay" (sic, grammar failure apparently intentional), which this sub seems to be very hypocrticial about.

I: A medical condition and not a fuckin' identity or gender or any of that shit. A medical condition which I HAVE. A group that is ACTUALLY oppressed, because, for example, it's totally legal to force "sex reassigment surgery" that does nothing but cause further health problems on intersex infants in most countries, especially the "progressive" ones.

Not hermaphrodites, not a "third sex", not "multiple sexes," not a sex spectrum or gender identities. A set of medical conditions that are very varied and complex. And I've never met an intersex person who wants it to be "LGBTQIA" - the I is included completely against intersex people's will. Trans activists purely use our existence to try and "prove" that sex isn't real and/or their "gender identity" is "valid", but in actuality, intersex people demonstrate that sex IS real and things are not pleasant if you're born with variations.

Intersex people are, as far as I see it, the only group that's commonly hated by the rest of "LGBTQIA+", from both "sides" of the gender argument, everyone. We're assumed to be hermaphrodites and thus considered sexy, but then are considered disgusting mean evil people when we say that's not true. We're used to prove nonbinary and trans but are bigots and evil when we say it's not the case. And TRAs call us "transphobic" for saying that we're not a third sex & that we're normal males/females but then LGB (well, mostly L) will scream at us because we're not allowed to be "real" men/women and that we're just as bad as trans for "lying about our sex" and "claiming male/female spaces"

A: Not a real thing. 99% of people who self identify as "Asexual" are liars. There may be a few people who genuinely have no sexual feelings at all due to a health problem,

And no one asked but here I go anyway!

L: Overrun by entitled radfems who, despite usually being financially well off, in safe neighborhoods, white Americans and pretty privileged overall, believe that the entire world is out to get them merely for existing as female, even in first world countries. I mean, who wants to care about child marriage or sex slavery when some EVIL HANDMAIDEN (read: woman who isn't a radfem) on Tumblr DARED to appropriate the butch label when she's not a lesbian, oh my god the lesbophobia will literally kill people!11 Also lesbians seem to be oddly fixated on Being a Lesbian like it's their #1 personality trait (& you're a woman hating homophobic lesbophobic right wing evil oppressive m*le if you don't approve of that) and think it's God's gift and wow it gets super fucking obnoxious, can't you just be a normal person without constantly announcing you're a lesbian? Most non extreme, non radfem lesbians appear to keep quiet (as sane people do) so it's no wonder the extremists are the face of the movement.

G: Usually made up of attention seekers and sexists who fixate too much on "manliness", harassing, outcasting, or being sexually abusive towards feminine males. Though there are also gay men who self identify as feminine ie they wear stupid otufits and makeup and talk in an abrasive falsetto, and that's their entire personality. Much like lesbians they think being gay is all that they are and they will remind you every 2 seconds. And also that being gay is better and superior and great and full of CULTURE and if you're like me and DARE to have any kind of negative feelings omg you are such a homophobe personally oppressing them. You know, even if they are your average white american guy living in California with no grasp of real injustice, you're still LITERALLY THE WORST OPPRESSOR for disagreeing with them online. And don't even get me started on "tops and bottoms", the latter being gay men with inflated egos who think they're gods and need to constantly prove how manly and dominant they are becuase they STICK THEIR DICKS IN, so it's not the same as being real gay, and "bottoms" are usually borderline MTFs who think they're "woman-like", inferior, and submissive because they like dicks up their ass. And both usually have the personality equivalent of a damp sweaty sock.

B: The sanest of the lot, but also not much. Bi women unfortunaely get dragged into radfem bullshit, which also hates on them, so, that's never pretty. Bi guys tend to be idiots who go out of their way to prove they're not gay, like insisting they're still straight if they only fuck feminine guys because "they're like girls" and don't count as men.

TL;DR: Entire LGBT+ is a shitshow. Burn it all

[–]panderichthys 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That was a great read, especially the insight on the intersex condition and SRS. Why can't people just leave infants alone?

I agree with the majority of your post — dunno about the L and A though. Radfems are indeed obnoxious, but the fixation on "Being a Lesbian" seems to be perpetuated by mostly-straight bi women (and I say that as a bi woman). And while asexuality is probably an order of magnitude or two rarer than same-sex attraction, I doubt the majority of them lie. Everything else = spot on!

[–]deliciousdogfoodmy name isnt a puppyplay reference i swear 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Parasites without a shred of their own merit.

[–]Kai_Decadence 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

  • T: Stupid ideology that falls on the principle that gender norms are not socially constructed. Never should've been included in the LGB anyway because it's not a sexuality, just delusional fantasy. No not all of them are creepy fetishists but it doesn't make them any less ridiculous thinking they are the opposite sex just because they don't conform to man-made socially constructed gender roles.

  • Q: What WinstonSmith said, obnoxious, spoiled, usually heterosexual teenagers who have way too much time on their hands and spent too much time on internet sites like Tumblr (back in the day) and Twitter (Current Day). They haven't experienced what real life is like and they will soon get that wake up call of how little people in the real world care about their whining and self-importance.

  • I: A real genetic condition but doesn't have anything to do with sexuality. It doesn't mean transgender at all and it's really unfortunate how they've been used as unwilling pawns when it comes to the debate of transgender ideology.

  • A: I'm sure there are some people out there who genuinely feel no sexual attraction but I feel like the reality for a lot of these so called "Asexual" people are that they are people with low libido/sex drive. I think the reason why I feel this way is because I usually saw young teenagers (usually girls) saying this and then when they get older, they start getting sexual urges and poof, no longer asexual anymore. Again I'm sure it's a real thing but a little overblown in numbers.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

T- some of the most narcissistic people that take advantage of 19 and unders, 60 and overs, autistic people, downs people, homosexuals, and women. There's a few sane ones there, but they want to call anybody that isn't a statist like them TERF or transphobe. The sane ones just live their life and want to live their life. Nothing to do with same sex attraction. Some don't even have gender identity disorder, but you have to have it to be transgender. Q- A slur, and it was originally meant odd or unusual. Majority of the people using this slur are heterosexual or bihets and reeeeing about "reclaiming" it when middle America (as of middle USA) has some fash that use the slur. Most of the people who use the slur as an identity are usually commies. Can't stand being called a q**r woman like I can't stand being called an asp*. I- Medical condition. They don't want to be included in the alphabet soup. A- Asexuals aren't part of the community, but they do exist. Some don't even want to be part of the alphabet soup. +- dunno why there is a plus sign here....