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[–]FlippyKing 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

following up on what Rage-Xion said, for trans-identifying males it's like a collection of fetishes all under the trans umbrella. Regardless of if they call themselves "lesbians" or if the are homosexual males, their paraphilia is that by pretending to be and thinking they are being perceived as a woman, they get sexual arousal and ego-strokes (read Games People Play for how people engage in dysfunctional behaviors to get 'strokes' to their ego which reinforce the dysfunctional behavior. what makes it dysfunctional is that when the strokes no long give the effect they want (and this is me thinking but I bet it is dopamine) they escalate their performance till the opposite reaction is given and they are not treated they way they think a woman is treated or they are called out on their charade. This ends the "game" which then gives them "you've been bad just like you always knew you were" stroke. The dynamic applies to many many dysfunctions, most of which are not sexual at all but the dynamic is the same I think.

The thing is they really do not want to be told they are women. That is just part of the game. They know they are not, and a part of their mind that will not go away wants that truth to come out. So the full cycle is: I present myself as a woman, they think I am, how much more can I get away with, and if the game goes on politely for a while then fine but eventually it gets to, see they do not think I am an woman because I am not, I am unworthy of affection/the world is so mean boo-hoo. And they find some new sucker to start the game anew.