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[–]absoluteblasphemy 16 insightful - 4 fun16 insightful - 3 fun17 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

As u/BEB correctly pointed out it will 100% be plastic surgery. And here’s the kicker, especially for older folks here, the majority of people have no idea how bad it’s gotten because they’re not on the same platforms as these surgery obsessed kids.

I’m 26 and I’m still young I swear mom!! But basically I’m a Boomer to these Gen Z kids especially when I’m on TikTok yelling (lovingly) at these young women that they don’t need surgery, what they need is to acquire some self worth and some dignity that isn’t based in appearance.

Kids growing up watching Kardashian’s, looking at shopped images, and TikTok is literally just... I don’t know maybe China’s global agenda? Pure evil? Interspaced between funny haha videos there’s young women having completely unnecessary surgery and arguments about how communism is good actually. I must be getting old if my thoughts are primarily along the lines of “where the hell are your parents???”

I saw a young woman the other day who was obviously very anorexic, she looked about 17 and maybe 35kg, complaining about how flat her chest was and how she was booked in for breast implants.

It broke my heart, I don’t know what we can do to reach these young people. We are failing them as a society right now.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm around your age and I have also noticed how the current generation of kids/teenagers seem to think we are "shriveled up prunes" already. I don't remember thinking people in their mid 20s were old, when I was a kid. I wonder what happened.

Interspaced between funny haha videos there’s young women having completely unnecessary surgery and arguments about how communism is good actually.

How do they reconcile plastic surgery with communism, though? Or is it normal for these type of people to hold multiple conflicting view points/ideologies at the same time? Could be an age thing, since they are so young, but something tells me it's a more severe failure in basic critical thinking.

[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I remember being 28/29 in the 1980s & people in their late teens & early 20s (both male & female) acting shocked when they found out my age. Typical comments were, "But you look so good!" and "You must live in a refrigerator."

Once I turned 30, I dated a lot of hot guys who were 20-23, so obviously the view that others of their age had about "older" women was not universal. When I finally married at age 36, it was to another hot guy nearly 8 years younger. But none of his friends - or our kids - ever noticed the age difference. When for one reason or another one of his friends found out, they were flabbergasted.

In situations when I had to use my passport or driver's license, my kids when they were young would remark in alarm that my DOB year was wrong & always blamed the government for making a mistake. This wasn't coz I ever overtly lied to them, but coz they simply (& sexistly) assumed I must have been born the same or an earlier year as their father. I never disabused them of this notion coz I thought the whole thing was hilarious, & I am evil & duplicitous.

When I became eligible for Medicare due to old age, they were like, "How can this be, you're only 57 or 58!" So I finally 'fessed up that I am in fact rather older than they thought. They were pissed & still are. LOL

On FaceBook, I chose the earliest birth year option available - which when I signed up was 1910. So in FB years, I am 111.