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[–]absoluteblasphemy 16 insightful - 4 fun16 insightful - 3 fun17 insightful - 4 fun -  (6 children)

As u/BEB correctly pointed out it will 100% be plastic surgery. And here’s the kicker, especially for older folks here, the majority of people have no idea how bad it’s gotten because they’re not on the same platforms as these surgery obsessed kids.

I’m 26 and I’m still young I swear mom!! But basically I’m a Boomer to these Gen Z kids especially when I’m on TikTok yelling (lovingly) at these young women that they don’t need surgery, what they need is to acquire some self worth and some dignity that isn’t based in appearance.

Kids growing up watching Kardashian’s, looking at shopped images, and TikTok is literally just... I don’t know maybe China’s global agenda? Pure evil? Interspaced between funny haha videos there’s young women having completely unnecessary surgery and arguments about how communism is good actually. I must be getting old if my thoughts are primarily along the lines of “where the hell are your parents???”

I saw a young woman the other day who was obviously very anorexic, she looked about 17 and maybe 35kg, complaining about how flat her chest was and how she was booked in for breast implants.

It broke my heart, I don’t know what we can do to reach these young people. We are failing them as a society right now.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I'm around your age and I have also noticed how the current generation of kids/teenagers seem to think we are "shriveled up prunes" already. I don't remember thinking people in their mid 20s were old, when I was a kid. I wonder what happened.

Interspaced between funny haha videos there’s young women having completely unnecessary surgery and arguments about how communism is good actually.

How do they reconcile plastic surgery with communism, though? Or is it normal for these type of people to hold multiple conflicting view points/ideologies at the same time? Could be an age thing, since they are so young, but something tells me it's a more severe failure in basic critical thinking.

[–]purrvana 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The communism thing... I think it's because these kids want to spend all their time on their phones and the internet but they don't want to work. Communism to them would mean a universal basic income where someone else would fund everything for them (kind of like all those GoFundMes that fund surgeries). This way, they can be on TikTok or YouTube as a career. Even if they only make a few dollars from it - it would be okay, because they have the UBI paying their rent/food. All the TIMs I know still live off their parents' money even though they're in their 30s, so I've seen this play out in real life. The TIMs are "professional gamers" but when I ask how much they make from their streams, they say nothing. Mom and Dad pay for rent/food while the government paid for their surgeries. The next step is for the government to pay for everything once the parents are out of the picture. They're basically kids who never grew up and need a higher power to take care of them and coddle them.

I feel like so many of these people are navel-gazing to the point where they have no real-life skills and can't work for themselves, and they don't see anything wrong with this. They feel entitled to everything - which includes the best parts of capitalism and the best parts of communism, but none of the downsides of either.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

When you put it like that, it makes more sense. I've also considered that it might have something to do with the fear of "growing up". Which I think is a pretty common fear (I still feel inadequate and like I'm not doing "adulting" the correct way, oftentimes), but they appear to have a more extreme response to it.

[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I very much agree that the fear of growing up is definitely a factor. Used to be, in males this was called the "Peter Pan complex." But back in ye olde days, there were definite advantages to growing up, such as being able to have a social life with IRL friends & a sex life with IRL partners & also the pride & power of earning your own money. Now all the social & sex life stuff is occurring virtually online - & the money stuff occurs electronically. Electronic money transfers & using mom's credit cards are entirely different to the experience that earlier generations had of getting a paycheck they worked their asses off for, or stealing bills from mom's purse, dad's wallet or the household kitty jar.

I'm sorry you still feel inadequate & that you're not "adulting" in the correct way. Could this be "the impostor syndrome"? IME, a whole lot of people feel like frauds & inadequate nincompoops at various stages in life. I'm old now, & I certainly feel I am not "senioring" the correct way.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You make a really good point about the virtual vs physical life.

I found out about "the impostor syndrome" a few years ago, and it definitely affects me. Thankfully, it's not so bad that it incapacitates me, but it can become quite frustrating. I like to remind myself that it can serve a purpose, if you don't allow it to overwhelm you, because it can make people a little more self-aware, from what I've noticed.