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[–]vitunrotta 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Or MAYBE someone is attracted to both men and women but not something in-between.

Yeah, this seems to be a non-argument to a lot of (especially) TiMs. I may be attracted to women, or I may be attracted to men, but some odd concoction of either is just... Really not either, and I would personally find it a bit off.

I am not trying to shame any person who'd have no issues being in an intimate relationship with TiM/TiF - just that for a lot of us there's a real, physical reason why we prefer men or women (or both) and why generally it might exclude transpeople. For the actual transsexuals (the ones with dysphoria who have transitioned) this can be pretty devastating, I get that. Yet, the answer is never to try and force someone to be attracted to something they aren't.

(Which people with dysphoria generally don't tend to do as far as I know, just to clarify. Correct me if I'm wrong though.)