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[–]MezozoicGay 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

My "peak trans" happened twice. First time was nearly 5 years ago when my ex-boyfriend who was bottom (i am gay male) was pushed by queer theory propagandists in our country to become a transwoman. And instead he bacame a Trans-identified Male in all meanings. I know a lot of respectful and nice transwomen (up to 20 people), but this one became TiM. When he was sharing his (can't call him "she" like I am calling other my transwomen friends) thougths, all I felt was disgust. He was saying "Now I am a better woman, I have male brain and smarter than women, I don't have periods, I can't become pregnant, and I have good looking body, I am better than any woman can ever be". He was saying tha living as man is hard, and living as woman is easy way and piece of cake (really?). The single thought in my mind was "for 20 years my friends and myself were fighting for LGBT rights, we have scars on our bodies and souls, we were repressed, beaten, and all was for this? This can't be real". That was the first time I started thinking about this english-language-only "gender" idea being harmful. "More woman" really? There can't be "more woman" or "more man". You can wear any cloths, work at any job, have any tastes, how you live and what you like does not define your sex and your sexuality. Cooking food does not mean that you are a "woman", wearing pants does not mean that you are a "man". Eating bananas does not make you a monkey, you are still human, no matter what. And the worst thing is that this "TiM" ideology is on all channels, all sites, so new transwomen thinking this is correct thing to do, correct way of thinking, and instead of being themselves, they are trying to follow "gender" stereotype. So they are becoming abusers themselves, instead of living happy life and being themselves as they really wanted to.

Second time was when I finally opened my eyes. My very close friend, lesbian, with which we were fighting together in our youth (I was 18, she was 15, and her girlfriend was 16) 17 years ago was a victim of a "corrective rape", which was so horrible, that she is until now can not recognize anyone but her mom, and can not move her body. My soul was scared for life (that was when I started to helping lesbians and feminists more than my fellow gay men). And last year, there was this situation with Vancouver Rape Relief center. When Trans-Laws Abusers made a war against VRR. When whole world was celebraing fact, that "rape victims now will have no place to go, that less rapists now would be caught" - was standing aside and not believing in all the surrealism of the situation. LGBT community celebrating victory of patriarchy and helping rapists. Instead of fighting for their rights, they reduced someone elses rights. This was unbeliavable. Untill this day I can not believe this is true. But it is. LGBT community is supporting people who made my close friends life a living hell, supporting people who are against LGBT and just using it as shield. This is just some sadistic form of misogyny, it is not LGBT anymore. Anakin of Jedi's. LGBT community was supposed to fight misogyny, not join it. And now LGBT community and "allies" are censoring any ideas that are not "correct", just like it always was from patriarchy, but now it is from the inside. I just felt discouraged after seeing that, and that was the last drop.

[–]MissDemeanor 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for sharing that.