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[–]FlippyKingSadly this sub welcomes rape apologists and victim blaming. Bye! 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (28 children)

As directed at trans women.

When it is directed at you, the word man is what were talking about here, it is not directed at trans women but you and only you. You gain nothing by hearing a word directed at you and then confusing it with being directed at a whole category of people. You already say you do not pass, people saying what they see is not people insulting anyone. Your ego and perhaps certain defense mechanisms make you hear it that way, perhaps to recoil away and to avoid possible problems you might expect to happen when you hear that word applied to you. Learn to hear when it is not an insult and you will be better able to deal with the times when it is meant as an insult. It's basic self-defense, you should only react to actual attacks, not things that miss wildly or are not even attacks. Your perception is clearly off here.

I stand by what I said.

Am I being a monster to you? Am I a monster? What have I done here that you feel is monstrous? I'm a man, half the world is men. If we were monsters, we'd be extinct.

I don’t react.

You obviously react. You may not confront them, but you this whole set of comments is because you are reacting. Spiraling into depression is reacting. It's not a reasonable reaction.

The choice was become pariah or kill myself. ... I just want to not be treated like a man.

I don't understand what you mean by "become pariah"; and seriously: don't kill yourself. Straighten out your mind, with some kind of help if it is that bad. You can not control how people treat you, this is true not just for trans people but anyone. Some people choose to control who they are around, you see this commonly with people who are like "I just choose to not associate with negative people" but too often that is shutting out people in need and people who are real friends in favor of superficially nice people. I suspect transition was not the solution you hoped it was, because people still see you as they see you, and I suspect they see very real aspects of yourself that you would want yourself and them to deny. That is not healthy for you.

it’s extremely difficult to effect your emotional state actively.

It is extremely difficult to do all things at once, impossible actually. What I'm suggesting is not extremely difficult at all. It is, however, gradual. The person you are trying to be, the person you see as your best self right now, will resist even considering it. But that is because your ego and all your insecurities are wrapped up in that person you see as your best self.

I don't know if what I'm suggesting counts as "actively" anyway, if anything I could imagine a version of "actively" as actively getting in the way of it. What I'm suggesting is get you and your ego and your insecurities and your problems out of your own way.

I've always felt I'm ugly too, and misshapen. and my acne never really went away. Everyone feels these things, even the hottest women on the planet. It's a horrible thing we humans do to ourselves in that regard.

As for the rest, you sound like you chose to throw a pity-party and you think that is exactly who you are. You are who you are, and you only know half of who you are. Everyone around you knows the other half. They are no more wrong than you and they are no more right than you. You are the one treating yourself like a freak. Reread what you typed here. It is you, self-hating you, berating you, and then saying it is this or death. I say it is not true. I do think your daily meditation must be total shit, there is no way you can type this this about yourself if it were otherwise. Stop trying, maybe the "actively" part is the problem. Drop your bullshit, the good shit and the bad shit, it's all bullshit anyway, and recognize when an emotion jumps out at you. I stand by my recommendations to you and if those are a step back from your routine now, then I suspect it is better. As I asked early, when I asked "how's it working out for you", clearly its not. Saying it was this or suicide should not be an acceptable answer to you or anyone around. You can be and do better, and it has nothing to do with out others see you or treat you or how they fail to meet your hopes or expectations.

You have good qualities, I don't know who you are or anything but you are obviously articulate and can make words say what you want them to say. You're good at berating yourself. You're good at generalizing about men. Berating yourself is like the skill of recognizing your own weaknesses but without the ability to recognize the steps to improvement or to recognize if the weakness is minor or major, and clearly you are without the ability to recognize the qualities that balance those. Generalizing in the way you do sounds to me like the quality of being very adverse to risk and recognizing the potential for patterns of behavior at the earliest indication. These are like being overly sensitive. It is like having those warning lights on cars when something is near the car you're driving. We don't react every time the thing goes off, we make note of it unless it really is a danger. You have to recognize that difference and you will not with out a lot of calming the hell down and losing the judgmental aspects of how you assess both yourself and those around. Practice non-judgement. You have to do that before you can get to address your self-loathing. Since your meditation does not address this, your meditation is shit. You are trying actively, and that is not what you should be doing.

I promise you that you can feel better than you do, and it has nothing to do with anyone around you. It has everything to do with dropping the manner in which you judge yourself and others. Tune others out. They are a distraction. Stop judging your self and stop reacting, emotionally or any way, to others. What ever you are doing 6 days a week, it ain't working. You know this. The part of you that resists is like a fear of failure or just a self loathing. It does not matter what it is. Stop judging yourself and others. Clear your mind of this bs. You are OK except when you're not, and you really are the one preventing yourself from being OK. This last response really has me convinced of this.

[–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (27 children)

When it is directed at you, the word man is what were talking about here, it is not directed at trans women but you and only you.

No when directed at any trans woman, it’s an insult. Not just me. Any of us. It’s a choice to say something knowingly hurtful. At best it’s callous realistically it is an attack.

Am I being a monster to you? Am I a monster? What have I done here that you feel is monstrous? I'm a man, half the world is men. If we were monsters, we'd be extinct.

If you are a man then yes, I think you are a monster. Sorry if you find that hurtful, and you can believe differently but that’s what I believe. As to the last part, no one said you were self destructive or stupid.

I don't understand what you mean by "become pariah", and don't kill yourself.

I won’t, that was the point of transition. To stop that. And what I mean is I knew I would never pass and that nonpassable trans women are treated as non people by most of society. I knew what I was in for.

I’m depressed because I am treated like a freak and because I have an accurate picture of my life. Transition was a big improvement in my mental health. And if trans people weren’t treated like freaks, I think I would be quite happy.

With all due respect you don’t know anything about my meditation practice. It’s not going to cure depression but it isn’t “shit”.

What ever you are doing 6 days a week, it ain't working.

Quite the opposite. I’m never happier than event I am in a workout honestly. It’s peaceful and beautiful to simply be. And to actually feel like I am doing something I am good at. And no one bothers me. I just get to exist.

[–]BiologyIsReal[M] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (26 children)

Next time don't call fellow users monster or similar things, wheter you apologize for it or not.

[–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (25 children)

I’m not going to stop calling men monsters until they stop being , as a group, monsters

[–]BiologyIsReal[M] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Expect such comments of yours to be deleted from now on then. And better quit with the baseless accussations that we want to harm you, too.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]BiologyIsReal[M] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Then find a less aggressive way of arguing. Argue against our ideas rather than attack us.

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (21 children)

    So you get to freely insult people based on your feelings but us doing that is an attack borne out of hatred.

    You can think something factually incorrect and judge an entire group based on that, but we are literally violently harming all transwomen everywhere if we use a commonly understood and not personally biased definition of men to refer to them.

    How do you justify yourself?

    [–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (20 children)

    I’m not advocating harm to men you are advocating harm to trans women. It isn’t the same. Not to mention men are at the pinnacle of the social hierarchy, trans women are at the bottom.

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (19 children)

    I don’t advocate harm and I’ve been over this so many times with you it’s infuriating.

    If I called you a man you’d say it’s only to hurt you and I can’t possibly believe that man=adult male human, it’s really that I hate you deeply and want you to be sad.

    It’s hilarious that you act like you are the only person who’s definitions of words matter, and use that projection to justify the raging hypocrisy of you getting to police our language and us having to tolerate you namecalling because you feel you are correct.

    [–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun -  (18 children)

    Seriously, maybe it’s my autistic inability to see what I don’t intend but how is comparing two different disorders that stem from unprocessed trauma an attack, an insult, or anything other than a comparison?

    Yes. You do. You insist you don’t the run to hypotheticals and that you shop at a charity shop sometimes. But you are directly advocating for policies that harm trans women. Theoretically maybe some day supporting an alternative doesn’t undo what you are doing.

    If I called you a man you’d say it’s only to hurt you and I can’t possibly believe that man=adult male human, it’s really that I hate you deeply and want you to be sad.

    Frankly yes. But even giving you the benefit of the doubt you are at the minimum knowingly hurting someone, when even though you don’t accept trans people neutral address is an option without “supporting our ideology”. You choose to hurt.

    It’s hilarious that you act like you are the only person who’s definitions of words matter, and use that projection to justify the raging hypocrisy of you getting to police our language and us having to tolerate you namecalling because you feel you are correct.

    The mods are welcome to delete my comments and you are welcome to try to demonstrate I am wrong.

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

    Lol, you think anything that isn’t giving what transwomen what they want when they want it is an attack. I’m pretty sure you’d call seeing a shark an attack on you for being trans.

    Interesting you remember the shop but forget how I vote to protect transgender people even though I don’t agree with them. Selective memory sure is nice.

    I am using a totally different definition to you and the insults come from your imagination and what you incorrectly believe about men. Because you never processed abuse from your dad. You’ve made that abundantly clear. A therapist on the moon could see it.

    The mods having mod powers has nothing to do with you being a sexist and a hypocrite. I don’t need to demonstrate that a childhood belief that has not been processed is not factually true for all men. You’d need to prove a single one of the ridiculous claims you make about being the most oppressed, and about your ability to read minds and find thoughts in there that the person isn’t having.

    [–]circlingmyownvoid2 1 insightful - 5 fun1 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 5 fun -  (16 children)

    Edit: removed a statement that feels unreasonable .

    about your ability to read minds and find thoughts in there that the person isn’t having.

    Says the person throwing around fictional mental illnesses…