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[–]zyxzevn 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

The reality is more like the matrix, but you only get to see that at weird occasions.
Some people are partially disconnected from this world, like my friend, and that makes all kinds of weird stuff happen around him. But he is not able to control much of it. He is now doing a lot of valid predictions of weird news-articles.

It also has disadvantages for him, because he can not concentrate so well, and does not understand scientific things.

[–]Vulptex 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I understand seeing things. You said he takes photographs of it. Afaik cameras can't detect that stuff.

I am definitely partially disconnected from the world. But I never see anything and I can tell it's because some archons have caught on to me and turned the security around me up to supermax. Before I started having bigger thoughts I did run into something like that every once in a while, and then it suddenly stopped, and I can tell something is supposed to be there but blocked. They just love making me slowly go insane. I know they're watching my every move and actively controlling how my life turns out, they even got lazy at some point and have repeated the exact same formula 5 times now. In any case despite my lack of seeing I figured out "the matrix" long before I ever heard of the concept, because there was still way too much oddity that can't be explained by coincidence (which is what everyone else says, and if I disagree they get hostile toward me as if I've been flagged as a threat). And I have experienced a few minor things, they just get cut off instantly. I see things out of the corner of my eye, I hear faint voices at night and always have, I can sometimes do remote viewing a few times before it gets too hazy to work, and I can gain lucidity in dreams, but can't control anything and I wake up or forget about it shortly after. And every time I find a technique for something, as soon as I get too close to it working I suddenly can't do it at all anymore. There is some very serious stuff going on with me, apparently I have whatever evil powers control this universe feeling threatened by me and they're constantly monitoring me to keep me under control. Even still I can sense that everything is wrong, and it all feels like some long nightmare that I'm bound to wake up from sometime. I just don't know how to break free from all these chains (not literally unfortunately, I would like that).

Another thing is random things sending me hidden messages through some kind of media. Some of them do it repeatedly. SMG4 is one of the biggest ones, which is the main reason I still watch that channel even though it sucks now since it was taken over by clickbait anime girls. Especially for the last few months, it's just blatantly talking about the matrix and other parts of my life now. I can't help but feel like something is either trying to make me go insane or tell me "Truman you're on TV!". Either way they have control over a large amount of media and even real-world events and are quite interested in me. So behind all this life routine something absolutely crazy is going on and I'm a major player in it somehow. And I have a scary amount in common with Thomas "Neo" Anderson, even personal details. This is completely out of control.

[–]zyxzevn 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

There are different systems of illusion (Maya), which control most of the "Matrix" that we experience.
They seem to control our will and coincidences. I noticed that it is a system that locks us into a certain Maya-system, depending on how we feel. And very often it depends with who we are.

There is also "help" that guides us out of the systems of illusion. We all are now on our way out. So that is why some of us feel special.

But some of these systems are also pretending to be the same help. It is very confusing for many people, but you can feel very well what is right and what is wrong from within. Sometimes it even feels the same, but just temporary. And sometimes we are blinded, because we have to go a certain path in life.

Before we talk about "help" in the form of angels and other light-guides, we should stay grounded and look what is helping in our lives. It is nature! We can also enjoy playing with pets and children, because they are often still connected with the light.
But being in nature is like a gift from god, we can often feel it. And even the rain can be a blessing.

And it helps us out of illusion, out of depressions, out of all kinds of "not-life".

From your story it seems that you are sometimes close to psychosis or problems with dominant entities, and that is not good. Learn to empty your mind. You can be like nature, let things drift away like clouds. Let the wind blow away the things that are attached to you. From nature you can feel what is real help and what is not. Real help feels relaxing, caring and peaceful. And things need to grow like in nature, from the ground up. It is not something we can think and suddenly change the world. We also have to do basic things like eating and cleaning. Like animals care for themselves in nature. It may seem cumbersome, but it brings us back to our natural roots.

And if things go wrong, it is my belief that we can try it again, in a different life maybe. Not as bad as "Groundhog day", but more with enjoyment and adventure.

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Hell no, never again. Trying to defend this world is nothing but a cope. But be honest, I know it hurts but the world is 99.999999999% bad and that's not a good thing. I am not willingly doing this again. You associate nature with good, when it thrives on evil forces of natural selection and dominance and oppressive collectivism. You talk about spirituality but then say to return to our natural roots. These things oppose each other, open your eyes! Why can't you change anything at will? Why do we have all these restrictions? Why do we have to do things like eating and cleaning? Why is everything misery? No one can honestly answer that question without admitting this is a hell. Jews and eastern religions talk about karma and reincarnation, Christians talk about going to hell as punishment for sins. What if they're the same thing?! They're obviously the same thing! Which means this world is literally Hell, because it's where you go for divine punishment. And that explains so much about why things are the way they are here. You shouldn't want to be here, it's all either a scam or a cope! I will not be doing this again if I can help it. Watch out for white light traps and "gods" and "Heaven" or the "afterlife". Btw most of those "spirit guides" are actually archons deceiving you into accepting the system. The archons are probably the pagan "gods" and they rule the universe with a selfish agenda. These days they've made everyone so blind that they can hide and manipulate us through human rulers. That's why nothing supernatural ever seems to happen anymore, they don't even need it. I've also learned that feelings can be deceiving in this world, they're often used to falsely guide us. It's all a typical Corleone plan: convince your enemy that you're their friend, then kill them when they're not expecting it. Like sheep led to the slaughter. Toxic positivity might make us feel warmer for the present moment but will destroy us in the longterm. Trying to say the world is good is like saying "I'm getting scourged, but that's a good thing because it looks cool or something!" Things will go wrong as long as we're here. And we'll never grow because we'll forget everything every century or so. I don't even know who I am, or what I've done and been through. I wonder if that's what this one Star Wars comic is alluding to: And as usual C-3PO is the useful idiot who tries to defend this barbaric treatment and slavery. Being in this world is like being in the desert. Deserts have an oasis every once in a while, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a desert. You can catch a break or have a tiny bit of fun every once in a while, but then it's back to the grind. Oh wait, that's only if you're lucky enough to be born in a first world country. If you're like most of the world there's almost nothing good at all, it's just plain misery from birth to death, and then you're somehow convinced to do it again. And God help you if you're born in North Korea. No, never again!

[–]zyxzevn 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You describe the Buddhist view, but a more negative version of it.
Some Christian traditions had similar views.

The earth can be experienced as a hell due to the systems of maya. Every system tries to hurt us. And that is why you experience that it is all bad.
Sometimes I can feel which system is responsible for which trauma. Like there is a system of war, a system of disease, etc. But more related to emotional traumas than clear physical deeds, like the 7 sins.
In your translation, one could think of them as systems led by different demonic entities. But in my view they are more like trauma-giving-systems.

With natural roots, I mean the connection with nature. Nature seems to be a creation from god (not directly, but still it is connected). While nature may sometimes give bad experiences, I do not feel it as evil. Even when they look evil, when a wolves kill a lot of deer. Then there is cruelty, but not evil. Unless the wolves are possessed. The people living with nature would see it as a message. Like that we humans are slaughtered by the government.

I can follow people after they die, follow their souls. So I know what is going on.
Also have seen lots of "gods" , "demons" , "saints" , "angels", that were spirits of some kind.
Somehow I can recognize them very easy. Sometimes I just get a sick feeling from them.

The hell that people get into, are astral spaces. There are lots of them. Some are like torture chambers, and some are like clouds or churches.
So also a lot of heavens are astral spaces that are actually bad places. So we may agree a bit on it.

All these astral hells or astral heavens are connected to the maya systems. Sometimes there are huge entities in these astral spaces playing like demons, even in the heavens. But the real demons are often the human spirits that came to these astral spaces, and not the entities.

There are few humans that actually go to the real light. I feel Jesus and Mary are connected to it.
In the light you can feel god continuously.
To distinguish between an angel or spirit, I ask them how they experience god. The answer is complete different.

And God help you if you're born in North Korea

Haha. You are scared of reincarnation. You probably have trauma-memories of being here before.
If you want to heal such traumas, you can ask the help that you trust (Jesus or God), to help these traumatized parts to safety (to God, to Jesus)

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nature is all breathtaking on the outside, but inside it's terrible.

The astral realm is obviously another level of the matrix, you're not out until you can do anything.

Jesus is 10000000000% connected, but there's no evidence that Mary or any of his family followed him. They called him insane and were his enemies.

None of this was a problem when I was younger. I'm pretty sure the trauma is from this life. Either way there's no reason to come back, even if it's the best life ever it's still got some bad in it.