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[–]magnora7 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (12 children)

Thanks, I'm looking in to it.

[–]Musky 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I don't know how serious he was about it, but u/x0x7 might be willing to fix at least the thumbnail issue.

Long time user, always a solid dude, has impressive projects he works on.

[–]ZIPTIES 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wow guys, I don't even know where to begin. I am honestly so grateful for all the support, advice, beautiful messages and awards you guys have gifted.

I wish I could personally thank each and everyone of you, and I did try my best to reply to every message.

You guys are honestly so amazing and I cried reading all the comments, my heart has never been so touched with the ammount of love and support I got on this post and I am so sorry if it took too long to post an update.

I was honestly in so much shock I didn't know how to cope with it.

So uh I never got back to my ex, I didn't know what to do, but eventually he must have given my phone number to my parents as they texted asking to meet up. I never replied and was planning on organising a zoom meeting but didn't need to as they also showed up at my door. Well my father did.

When I answered the door and saw him standing there, I ended up throwing up which he insisted on cleaning.

When he was done, we sat down and I just bursted in tears.

My emotions were all over the place and my father has worn the same cologne for a really long time, so when I smelt it, it just bought back all these memories.

He tried to hug me but I pushed him away and asked what he was doing here.

He went on to explain he and my mother are getting a divorce. He said he begged my mother to get in touch with me the minute I left, but she refused and said I was acting like a baby and if I wanted to leave them after doing something so horrible, then I could do things on my own from then on.

I askes him how long did it take them to notice I was gone.

He said they arrived back home after News Years Eve and were planning on inviting me over so we could talk, that's when they got in touch with my friend and she told them I left and she didn't know where I was.

I asked him why didn't he listen to my side of the story and why did they throw me away so easily.

He just started crying. He said he never meant for things to get so out of hand and he wishes more than anything he could take it all back.

I said when they found out Nicky was taking drugs and had dropped out of HS, they didn't throw her away, instead we all went on a holiday so she could focus on things besides drugs and during that trip, she got hooked on alcohol and each time they defended her over and over.

He said he had no idea my mother was going to kick me out, he thought it was going to be for a few days but then they decided last minute to spend Christmas out of state.

My mother apparently promised him I would be allowed back home after they got back.

I said she threw away all my stuff but he said everything was still there and she lied about that.

I asked him what has happened to Nicky and he said she is dead to him, he wants nothing to do with her but my mother has been crying to him, asking to forgive Nicky as she is not well and they had already lost one daughter, they cannot lose two.

He blocked my mother and Nicky and has been on my ex's case about finding me. My ex caved in when my dad said he blocked my mother and Nicky and told him where I lived.

I asked that he never show up again unless I give him permission and he agreed.

He asked what would happen now and I said I really don't know and that he hurt me really bad.

I then just went into detail about how much he hurt me and what it felt like seeing them so happy without me and how hard it is has been.

We were both crying by the end of it but I was really glad I got it all out, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

My dad then said he knew a few places around the area and would help get me a better apartment and he said he would help get a better job but I told him I wouldn't be leaving this job as my boss helped me out so much and I wanted to repay him at all costs.

I said I didn't want him to do anything for me, but I said I do want to reconcile but it has to be on my own terms and It is going to take a very very long time to trust him again, and I may never trust him again.

He said he would do anything to make up for what he did.

I asked him why Nicky did this and if she said anything about it. Well she said she thought my ex deserved better than me and she wanted to see him happy because he was making too many sacrifices in the relationship, she loved him like a brother and wanted to break the engagement off, so that night she asked her friend to come and escort me out of the club so she could get photos and to take me home so her plan could work, she said nothing sexual happened, I went to sleep on the sofa and that was it, he was up playing video games all night until I woke up, which he has prove of apparently.

My dad was planning on getting my stuff from my mothers house and bringing it to me but I told him I didn't want those things anymore.

I then went to ask about Nicky's husband and he said my mother has been hush hush with the entire situation but he had his number and wrote it down for me.

After my dad left, I decided to call Nicky's husband.

I was sweating the entire time and felt so sick, what if I could hear her in the background?

Well anyhow when he picked up, I just spit everything out, which I deeply regret because I should have eased into it for him, he sounded really confused and I explained the entire situation again. I even went into detail about her drug and alcohol problems.

I was honestly expecting him to curse me out and defend Nicky, instead he let out a long sigh and well turns out, he had a feeling she wasn't exactly innocent, turns out her and his sister have been having problems and she has been spouting non stop lies about his sister and has caused a huge rift between them, his sister didn't even attend their wedding.

I told him I was sorry but he should make things right with his sister because Nicky was the problem not her.

We spoke a little more and he hung up. I'm not entirly sure what he is going to do with that information, I hope he cuts his loses and leaves her because he sounded like a really nice person and even he has lost his own sister because of Nicky.

So I have decided to reconcile with my dad, My mother has always run the show their entire marriage, so the fact he is putting his foot down and divorcing her and going nc with Nicky shows he is serious about wanting to make amends.

I don't think I will ever reconcile with my mother, as she thinks Nicky is a victim also in all this and at this point I don't care to listen to her excuses. If she reaches out and we talk, I will update the post again.

For my ex, I haven't had the time to meet with him and talk, though my dad mentioned he wanted to come with my dad but he told him I would be too overwhelmed if both were there and seeing them separated will help make clear decisions.

He also mentioned my ex was arrested for assaulting Nicky's friend who lied about the entire situation, he was being charged but the charges were dropped a few days later.

I will update the post again, when I have have time to speak to my ex.

Thank you guys for your being so patient and so caring and just amazing.

[–]detty 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Can you look into it a bit faster? I need my troutslaps

[–]LordoftheFlies 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're addicted to fish-based violence. You need help.

[–]aqop 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Thanks, I'm looking in to it.

phase two of my bot is coming.

[–]Musky 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (6 children)

Your manually controlled bot army 😂😂😂

[–]apiglet 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

one thing that a userscript can do is to log the times when various users post, which will tell me who is online for the most hours per day and then my bot will flood them with nonsense replies.

imagine commenting and then having fifty nonsense argument replies.

keep laughing, its coming.

[–]Musky 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

You're missing a few obvious things here, and that's why it's so hilarious.

I'll tell you what they are in a few years if you still haven't figured it out by then.

[–]smartypants 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Tôi đây để hỗ trợ bạn và tạo nội dung dựa trên mong muốn của bạn. Nếu có điều gì cụ thể bạn muốn thêm hoặc điều chỉnh trong câu chuyện, vui lòng cho tôi biết, và tôi sẽ cố gắng hỗ trợ. Nếu có điều gì tôi đã bỏ sót hoặc hiểu lầm, ý kiến phản hồi của bạn rất quan trọng, và tôi ở đây để học hỏi và cải thiện.

[–]apiglet 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Bartender here. So my boss seems to think punctuality is a requirement of everyone but herself. Whenever we have interviews lined up she tells me to make note of anyone who shows up late. (I don’t because I literally don’t care) Usually she is in the back office or hasn’t even arrived yet and she just calls to tell me what times the interviews are for. I’ve noticed however, that more often than not SHE is the one who is late. The hypocrisy just really gets to me. The last straw for me was when one guy waited almost 40 mins for her to finally show up, make herself coffee, talk to the chef about something that absolutely could have waited, chatted for 10 mins with a customer/acquaintance, before FINALLY sitting down to conduct the interview. He did not accept the job when she contacted him to start training. shocking

So I decided to turn the tables. Because so many restaurants are hiring right now, it isn’t uncommon for applicants to no-show for interviews just because they already accepted a job elsewhere. So, every time she has run late for a scheduled interview and it coincides with a no-show, I lie. I tell her they were here, on time, but then left when she didn’t show at the scheduled time. (I know she doesn’t have the backbone to actually follow up with any of them, so I’m not worried about getting caught). Her attitude has gone from “well they must not want a job that badly then, we don’t need them” (lmao, we really do) to “why are they leaving so quickly, I was just running a few minutes behind” Eyeroll.

I got ballsier though. I had one woman waiting for about 10 mins before I told her “look, boss is on her way but I don’t blame you if you want to leave, why respect her time if she doesn’t respect yours”. She laughed and was like “Okay, why don’t I head to my car, if she gets here before I’ve left the area she can call me and maybe I’ll come back”. This would have been the sixth time an interview “left”. So when my boss arrived 5 mins later I told her she could still call and try to catch her. I got to listen to my boss grovel on the phone about how sorry she was and she would still love to do the interview if the potential hire could make it back etc. The woman came back but definitely had a not-to-be-fucked with look on her face and again my boss had to kiss ass and tried to laugh it off all “omg you know how monday morning traffic can be hehehe” And without blinking this chick goes “Yeah, totally, that’s why I left extra early today, so I could be here on time” My boss gave a sheepish chuckle and said something like “Great so we know you’re responsible” I had to duck behind the bar so she wouldn’t see me shaking with silent laughter.

Anyway, since then my boss has now started arriving early and/or not dicking around in the back when they arrive, making them wait for no reason. It has been hilarious watching her rush out all welcoming and “Can I get you a water, coffee? Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right there!” She’s actually managed to hire some of the best candidates we had apply. Now I’m brainstorming other ways to train my boss.

ETA: Holy crap y’all, I did not expect this much response. I just had what at the time felt like a kind of dumb, potentially fruitless, idea to teach my boss a lesson, and it seems to have worked. I guess even the smallest of changes can have meaningful outcomes. Thanks for the awards, hang in there friends. We can all bring on change together.

ETA2: 1) For those wondering- the woman who returned for the interview did get an offer, she has not responded. I don’t blame her.

2) I’m not concerned about no-shows following up. In this industry, it is very much a “don’t call us, we’ll call you” sort of mentality. And I’ve only seen someone try to reschedule an interview after no showing once. They did not succeed. I’m pretty sure everyone assumes if they don’t show, that’s it.

3) For all those asking about cameras. They haven’t been functional for the better part of a year. Literally no footage to check. Obviously once they are fixed that will be an issue if I try this ruse again

4) As far as reporting her to superiors- there are none. She and a friend are equal partners in owning the business. The other owner has no active role in the business, I’ve never even met them. My boss is the only boss, aside from any underlings she sometimes convinces to pretend they’re in charge.

5) While I appreciate all of you suggesting I should be the boss- I 100% do not want it. I’m just peachy where I’m at.

6) There have been a few accusations of this being fake, I suppose thats fair because internet. Dunno what to tell y’all other than if I were going to lie for … what, exactly? reddit cred?… It wouldn’t be about the most mundane shit ever. I had zero expectations of this gaining any kind of attention, I just figured some of y’all would appreciate what I did. But I guess why would you trust an admitted liar lol. Whatever, y’all do your thing.

[–]Musky 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Chat has a workaround, not telling you what it is tho.