Who took away chat?! by Gravi in whatever

[–]smartypants 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We are a team of 6 in a room and the project was being held back because our progress was behind the projected schedule by the boss. One team member is off work for two weeks for family reasons and another team member fell ill 2 days back, the four of us are putting in overtime to pull through, we are even working after returning home and barely get time to have food. This morning our boss called us up and said he didn't care how, we needed to complete our part by end of day. We got 2 of our friends to help us out, but when we still werent done by end of day, our boss came and locked the room and said he won't let us out unless the work is done. We felt really bad for the two friends whom we called up to help us and got stuck with us. The 6 of us somehow finished the work after hours, told the boss via call and somehow left for home after the watchman came and unlocked the room on his orders.

I am baffled by this behaviour. Surely this has to be illegal?

P.s. we didn't even get paid for the overtime we put in because apparently " it's not accounted in the project budget"

P.p.s. if you're wondering what company it is, it's a company owned by Larsen and Toubro.

Edit 1: I am not making a huge scene of this and going to police or media as it would most likely cause me to be fired and I don't have another offer in hand to fall back on. My family is kinda in debt, so I wanna contribute as much as possible. Plus it may put a trouble maker tag on me which can reduce my future job prospects. I will be shifted to a different team at another location by the end of this month, so it's just about tolerating him for this duration and I don't think it's worth risking my career for.

Edit 2: no I didn't take videographic evidence of the fact but I do have some time stamped photos. Reason being I didn't wanna piss him off even further and cause him to retaliate in other ways.

Edit 3: Yes I am looking for other opportunities to move out of here ASAP, talking with other people who have been here for a few years paints a bleak picture for me, very less increment, slow promotion and often uncompensated overtime. I have been looking for other jobs for a while but haven't managed to get any so far, probably because I am a fresher and I don't have much experience plus from a tier 3 government college.

رحلة النجم اللامع by SOMEPUSSY in whatever

[–]smartypants 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Islam is a deadly, cancerous religion.

Let me preface this with the fact that I am a refugee who moved out of Iran when I was four years old. My Dad is Muslim and my Mom is Baha’i. I am an atheist.

We lived in a wealthy part of town in a perdominately Kurdish neighborhood.

When I was 2 years old, guards stormed our house every few weeks, at random hours of the day. Sometimes at 2pm sometimes at 2am. I remember running towards my Dad as they barged in with no warning. Riffles in hand, finger on the trigger. They wouldnt acknowledge my mother, and one time when she didnt have enough time to cover herself before they barged in they hit the end of the riffle to her face. Her jaw was swollen for a month. At the age of 4 my parents realized that I could not attend college since my mom was Bahai. Bahai’s are not allowed to go to college because islam.

I find myself so angry at the Muslim community for remaining silent in times like this. There is so much anti-semitism and anti christianity but when Islam needs to be held accountable, everyone remains silent.

People are arguing that this isn’t about religion, but it is. The revolution in Iran is what happens when people live under a theocratic state. Religion is being used to murder ethnicities, kill and oppress women and even children. It is consistent. Islam is one of the only religions that promotes self harm with regards to killing others in order to promote their religion. Why is there no public outrage over this? Why are more muslims not mad. Why is Islam not held accountable? It is the second most populous religion, and yet not a single person condemns the violence that Islam promotes.

I am angry and sad for my people, but I am extremely disappointed in the Muslim community constantly undermining our voices by rebuttling that this isnt islam. Yes it is. It is about religion.

People don’t understand what life is like under a theocracy. It is oppressive, and it is deadly. I was forced to wear a hijab in my passport picture at the age of four. My mom and I weren’t allowed our own passports. so we are on the same passport as my father. That is what living under a regime that values religion and a messiah over valuing human life is like.

Edit: Thank you for all the kind words and awards! I’ve received some death threats in my inbox from Muslims who are quoting the Quran to me and others are asking about what else I remember.

I left Iran right before I turned 5, most of my memories are traumatic so I remember them more than happy memories. Our house was burned down, my grandfather was imprisoned for a year, my mom was beaten in front of me, a guard picked me up by my hair when I talked back to him. The last straw was when a guard threatened to rape me. I was 4. These comments and some of the messages I receive make me happy I don’t associate with a religion that constantly promotes violence against women, and when it’s spoken out against, people then again promote violence towards the oppressed.

Who took away chat?! by Gravi in whatever

[–]smartypants 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Tôi đây để hỗ trợ bạn và tạo nội dung dựa trên mong muốn của bạn. Nếu có điều gì cụ thể bạn muốn thêm hoặc điều chỉnh trong câu chuyện, vui lòng cho tôi biết, và tôi sẽ cố gắng hỗ trợ. Nếu có điều gì tôi đã bỏ sót hoặc hiểu lầm, ý kiến phản hồi của bạn rất quan trọng, và tôi ở đây để học hỏi và cải thiện.

رحلة النجم اللامع by SOMEPUSSY in whatever

[–]smartypants 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

there is a scholar with phd from harvard (i think) in islamic and christian studies on youtube, his name is jay smith.

he assures us that there is NO HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that mecca existed until more than a hundred years after muhamad lived.

Who took away chat?! by Gravi in whatever

[–]smartypants 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

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