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[–]makesyoudownvote 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed and well thought out.

I am pro-choice for many of the reasons you stated, but also for the same reason it's better to put down a dog than let it suffer with horrible health issues.

A child raised in a broken home by parents who resent having to have had the baby is almost certainly going to end up shitty and bringing negativity into the world. It's simple math in my opinion.

Also, it's not like you cant just pop out another too when you actually are ready. In many ways, it could be argued you may be denying that future child life by not aborting his older sibling, because those parents will feel less inclined to have another baby. So it's basically the trolley problem where you are just saying the parent isn't allowed to decide which baby to save they have to let the train continue on the original track.

These are reasons why I am pro-choice.

This said, I hate how obtuse pro-choice people are. They want to pretend the entire argument is just about women's choice so hard that they refuse to even acknowledge people might feel it's literally baby murder, which is about the worst thing people can imagine. That feeling is absolutely valid and completely arguable, and I absolutely hate the sheer level of cope the pro-choice people have to prevent that argument from even being addressed.

Honestly addressing the cope is one of the times I got banned from Reddit. All I said was that maybe strategically the pro-choice people shouldn't be all or nothing, and should focus first on unifying with the majority of people who are in between pro-life and pro-choice. Get legislation in to protect the extreme examples like rape, risk to the mother, or extreme disability in the child. Then once you have those protections and some support from the moderates THEN you can fight for pro-choice much more easily. But no they wanted to call anyone who thinks their should be ANY time abortion shouldn't be as easy as ordering McDonald's is evil. They literally drive people away from their cause with this all or nothing bullshit. It's so stupid.

I got banned from /r/twoxchromosomes and then banned from Reddit for accidentally commenting on /r/twoxchromosomes with an alt account a bit later. The comment that got me site banned wasn't even anything remotely controversial it was actually at +4 at the time. Fortunately I did manage to get this ban overturned just before getting banned again for making a similar mistake on /r/pics.