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Talmudic Dictatorship in Israel In Progress - INL [20.07]

Netanyahu's Talmudic Coalition Wins and Danger it Represents - INL [24.17] Today represents the first step toward installment of official Talmudic religious dictatorship in the state of Israel as the Knesset passes law to weaken the Supreme court and strengthen the rabbinic religious courts. It is a sad day for all non-religious Israelis, Arabs and Christians living in Israel. The democracy in Israel is the thing of the past and the new religious rule has begun. Ben Gvir who is one of the many members of the coalition brings with him the Meir Kahane philosophy of anti-gentilism and Jewish supremacy. Netanyahu is linked to the “Rebbe” of Chabad organization and is given a “key” to bring in the “Messiah”. Question is… is this the true Christ or false Christ coming. I think we know the answer to that question.