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[–]Dragonerne 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, it's possible that they will leave and create their own echochamber.

Also, a lot of these GC females are Alpha Females that want others to submit others to their ideology.

Absolutely. That's a strength.

At the very most you can get GCs to listen to those "intellectual dark web" people who are liberal/libertarian types, but GCs will never get into the alt right.

As long as they are fact based and rational, which is my experience, then they will go through the same pipeline as everyone else.
It could be fun to watch beacuse they might evolve their own GC version of the alt-right. We might end up with alpha females running the show - that's how it is in the danish pro-danish parties.
If you want others to submit to your ideology, then there is nothing better than having the facts on your side. The travel through the pipeline could take years of course but it would happen, no doubt in my mind.
GCs already accept biology and a lot of other red pills. They are not actually that different from the alt right. They might actually be further away from the IDW types than alt-righters.