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[–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are correct, consumerism is a big issue. Not just for America, but every person on the planet. It is possibly the largest issue facing our world, and destroying the environment. Though I would point out that it is being pushed by the globalist, many of which are backed by Israel, or hold duel citizenship. I even believe that many religious people with influence and power go out of their way to embody prophecies, by debasing those they deem lesser men, through corruption.

At base however, it is the fault of American's for not upholding their core values and having not rejected outside influence. It is the fault of all those that lack empathy for their fellow citizens, and value money over the people they and their corporations, and their government bodies claim to serve. This may be a trap, but it's one are fellow Americans have led us into, and we can't leave it to them to get us out of it either.