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[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Now like I said, Jews and Jesuits aren't the same. You guys have everything understood backwards. The Jesuit theories came first. When the Protestants controlled the White Nations 1500s 1800s everyone with a brain knew that the Jesuits were the crazy group trying to conquer the world like Napoleon mentioned. Anti-Semitism by itself is older than dirt, but the Jewish "World Domination" conspiracy theories didn't even existed until the Jesuits started with their writtings. One group that helped the Jesuits with these multi-million dollar anti-Semitic campaigns were ironically, The Rothschilds themselves. and it was the Jesuit controlled Rothschilds that funded the Bolshevik revolution. Unlike what a lot of people could say, the Jewish Bolsheviks weren't an Ultra-Zionist group but rather, they were a very anti-Zionist group that even persecuted the Zionist Jews that opposed the regime. The Jesuits were previously banned in Russia, but Lenin allows them to come back to the country in 1922.

I don't completely white wash the Jews from the original Bolshevik revolution, not neccesarily because the Bolshevik Jews were over represented, but because despite their anti-Zionism, the Bolsheviks were still sympathetic towards the Jewish groups that would be willing to vow down to them. A lot of Jews took this opportunity to go to Russia and they work together like a Jewish group despite the lack of religion. Calling out the Jewish influence could even be punished by death. I still give more accountability to the Jesuits regardless, not only because they funded the hold thing and that they controlled the Cheka but also because there were religious Jews that actually did opposed the Bolsheviks even if they were heavily persecuted for it.

I don't blame the Jews for the later crimes of the Soviet regime because as purges happened in the government and time went on, the Soviet regime got increasingly more anti-Semitic.

When it comes to Germany I would give both groups almost the same amount of accountability. Not only did you have the Bolshevik Jews and the Rothschilds who were involved, but you also had Zionist leaders and common Jews that were involved. This is because Germany had a large Jewish population and a lot of them saw the opportunity to financially exploit the nation once it was weakened enough. I don't think all Jews were involved in Germany's downfall but there's also the sin of irresponsibility. Germany was one of the few countries that gave the Jews the chance to assimilate after being rejected and there's so much that the Jews could have done to stop their leaders as Germany was rotting with each day that went by.

There's also the controversy of the Holocaust. I don't know to what extend were the Jews and Jesuits involved or how they conspired behind the scenes, I know that the Jesuits were involved too. But regardless of how they conspired it doesn't really matter. I'm confident about my claim that the conditions of the camps lasted all the way until at least 1944 and if the kill count can be proven to not be as big then it would severely hurt the Jews and their credibility.

I overall give more accountability to the Jesuits for the events of WWII due to their control of the Intelligence groups even back then. Through Willian Donovan (OSS) and Iron Felix (Cheka) and their influence on the anti-Semitic ideals of the fascist groups. (Even the SS was created as an imitation of the Jesuits)

In more recent times, regardless of what happened in 9/11 I still blame the Jews for taking advantage of the policies of the US government to expand their influence over the Middle East. I also blame them for a lot of nepotism and corruption nowadays, like how there's groups of them in the media, freemasonry and hold positions of power. However, I still place more accountability to the Jesuits not only because the most relevant positions are Catholic controlled, but because there has been CIA/Jesuit elements that people ignore. When it comes to 9/11, there were in fact, CIA/Jesuit assets involved in the event, but not only are these assets not mentioned but, there was in fact an intentional effort from these intel assets like Philip Giraldi to paint the Jews as the only culcripts behind the crime. A lot of people may question, if I'm so confident about the anti-Semitism of the Intelligence agencies, why are a lot of politicians vowing down to Zionist interests? Well the Jesuit goal in the Middle East is to further the genocide agenda and cultural genocide to a lot of the groups over there, so by making it look like the Jews are the only criminals behind it all, it allows them to use Israel itself as lighting rod while they continue to remain invisible to most. Not only do the Jesuits hold more accountability when it comes to the conflicts in the Middle East, but the conflicts everywhere as well due to their control over the Intelligence agencies.

Finally, one of the most relevant controversies nowadays is the accusation against the Jews of the genocide plan through the vaccines. This is something that I myself expy the Jews out of. The justification a lot of people in the alt-right use to blame the Jews for this is how there's people in them as heads of vaccine corporations. But regardless of they are legit Ultra-Zionists or not I don't blame the Jews as a whole because Israel is one of the most heavily vaccinated countries in the world, not only that but a lot of the data and studies proving to people that the vaccines could be more dangerous that what we were being told actualy came from the Israelis themselves, so It's hardly fair to blame them for something a psychos in their groups could have done. To me obviously, I'm rather skeptical of the Jewish influence over the vaccine genocide in the first place. It simply wouldn't make sense for them to try to either kill or sterilize more than half their entire population if their goal was to conquer the world, and when there are way more healthy ways to promote eugenics all the more when we are dealing with a group that supposedly controls the world. To make things worse and in classic fashion, all the most relevant figures related to the vaccines and the COVID crisis can be related to the CIA/Jesuits but them and their endgoal of the Omega Point never get mentioned.

And I have to add when it comes to the vaccine controversy, how could anyone deny the Jesuit influence and the possibility that among the Jewish influence there could be Jesuit spies like the Rothschilds when there's apparently Jesuit and anti-Semitic assets even within the Mossad itself?

This is my official judgement when it comes to these two groups. There's a lot of things that they both can be held accountable for. And I'm dead serious when it comes to try to bring them to justice. /u/send_nasty_stuff I apologize for the walls of text but I have to make my position clear when it comes to these two groups as to avoid confusion. I would love to hear your opinions. I'll continue to expose them over here so I hope we can get along.

[–]Blackbrownfreestuff 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)
