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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    The problem with the moderation in this sub is that 1) the sub is slow with few users so no one is willing to invest too much time or effort into modwork

    It probably takes how long to delete a post or ban an obvious troll, a minute? These posts stay up indefinitely and the trolls stick around for years.

    2) the mods are being actively threatened by Magnora7 and can't ban people for stuff like concern trolling anymore.

    According to who? Like 1 or 2 years ago when this site was undergoing constant DDOS attacks by mentally ill Jews who continually harassed and threatened Magnora, he did take action on a fascism sub that banned obvious Jew trolls, who went whining to him, but Magnora has been MIA for over a year now, and even in those instances, the trolls in question were somewhat arbitrarily banned right off the bat with zero warning.

    Our trolls have been warned over and over again, given every opportunity to stop and just post honestly, clearly break the rules of the sub, and you can find plenty of examples of people being banned in the front page subs or from the site for far less. U also had some people banned here for less and Magnora never said anything. Salos's primary alt, salos6000 was banned and magnora never said anything

    And if what you say is true and you can't ban trolls like salos/nasser, then what good is the sub or the site anyway? If you are completely powerless to prevent it from being overtaken by bad faith trolls, who then use the sub for intelligence gathering and manipulation, then the sub does more harm than good and it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing if it was shut down and moved elsewhere.

    [–][deleted]  (1 child)


      [–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      The mods have banned other users simply for posting stupid shit, even though the posters weren't misrepresenting themselves, and nothing came of it. They(or more likely one or two of them) usually ban shit from mentally ill Jews that make other Jews look stupid. Wasnt that Jaques dude that was obsessed with the holocaust recently banned? Salos himself was banned under other alts and saidit admin were fine with it, and Salos has posted way more stupid concern troll bullshit under his nasser alt than he ever did as salos6000. So I'm not buying that excuse. Virtually every post here now for the past several months is a concern troll post. This sub has become a total joke. I see way more based shit on the actual front page of saidit than I ever do here, where its just jew shills responding to each other's posts(or posts they made under a different alt).